What’s the difference between an MQ Message and a JMS Message

I had problems using the MQI Interface  to create a message for a JMS program to receive.

To see what was in the JMS message,  I used a Java program using JMS to write a message, and used my trusty C program to display it.

I could see that there were message properties in the message

Property 0 name <mcd.Msd> value <jms_text>
Property 1 name <jms.Dst> value <queue:///JMSQ1>
Property 2 name <jms.Rto> value <queue:///JMSQ2>
Property 3 name <jms.Tms> value <1571902099742>
Property 4 name <jms.Dlv> value <2>

These are described here.

The mcd.Msd value is one of jms_none, jms_text, jms_bytes, jms_map, jms_stream, jms_object.   This depends on whether you use Message message, BytesMessage message etc to define your message type.  The jms program receiving the message may be expecting a particular type

The jms.Rto comes from the message.setJMSReplyTo(…).  It was set in the MQMD.ReplyToQ  as well as the message property.

It took me some time to find how to specify value such as for deliveryMode.  I found it here.  For example  message.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT).   (This comes from javax.jms.DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT,not a com.ibm…. file).

I converted my simple program from JMQI to JMS, in a couple of hours, and was surprised to find it used fewer lines of code than using the JMQI.   Of course I may find I omitted some work, such as error handling, but it seems to be working OK.

Magic methods to decode Java MQ constants to strings.

I had been struggling with MQ and java, and decoding what the return codes numbers were, and found some well gem methods here.

String reasonCode = MQConstants.lookup(2035, “MQRC_.*”);  gave MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED


String decode  = MQConstants.decodeOptions(gmo.options,”MQGMO_.*”);  gave me


I wish I had these a couple of years ago – it would have saved me a lot of time!


The methods are

static java.lang.String decodeOptions(int optionsP,
java.lang.String optionPattern)

This helper method takes an integer representing a set of IBM MQ options for an MQI structure, and converts them into a string displaying the constants that the options represent.
static int getIntValue(java.lang.String name)

Returns the value of the named MQSeries constant as an int.
static java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String name)

Returns the value of the named MQSeries constant.
static java.lang.String lookup(int value,
java.lang.String filter)

Returns the MQSeries constant name or names for the supplied int value.
static java.lang.String lookup(java.lang.Object value,
java.lang.String filter)

Returns the MQSeries constant name or names for the supplied value of type Integer, String, byte[], or char[].
static java.lang.String lookupCompCode(int reason)

Convenience method for finding the constant name for a completion code.
static java.lang.String lookupReasonCode(int reason)

Convenience method for finding the constant name for a reason code.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)


We had an application working on one system, and we moved it to another system, and we got MQ RC 2010 data length error. It turns out that the

SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN had MAXMSGL of 1 – so the maximum message sized allowed on this channel was 1 bytes.

You can specify the maximum msg length on the client for example the MQCD or client table – but I think the negotiation is the lower of the values at each end.


Setting the value to one on the z/OS end was part of stopping people using the default channel definitons.

Any port in a storm? No.

Ive just spent a day resolving a problem with specifying a port value trying to connect to MQ.

I had

public long port = 1414;
String channel = “MYCHANNEL”;
String hostname = “”;
Hashtable<String, Object> h = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
h.put(MQConstants.PORT_PROPERTY, dd.port);h.put(MQConstants.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, channel);
h.put(MQConstants.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, hostname);
queueManager = new MQQueueManager(“QMA”,h);

(did you spot the problem?)

This failed with

MQConnection to QMA com.ibm.mq.MQException: MQJE001: Completion Code ‘2’, Reason ‘2538’.
Caused by: com.ibm.mq.jmqi.JmqiException: CC=2;RC=2538;AMQ9204: Connection to host ‘’ rejected.

This is saying it tried to connect with port 0!

I tried

String port = “1414”;, that failed the same way.

If I used

MQEnvironment.port=”1414″; it worked.

This was tough to resolve, as there is no documentation to help me.

Someone suggested public int port = 1414; and it worked!  What a way to spend a nice autumn day.

Whoops -deploying MDB in weblogic

I was quite happily using my MDB in webLogic, but when I changed its configuration, it did not pick up the new changes.  It took a day to find out why,  and I have learned much more about deploying MDBS.

My connection factory was using SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN, I changed it to use a different client channel. I stopped SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN, ( so I could check the change had worked), and restarted the webLogic instance.  I was surprised when my MDB failed to start, because the channel was stopped.   The MDB was trying to use that channel.  It took a lot of head scratching to get it to work as I expected.

  • I had messages like <BEA-015073>  Message-Driven Bean …  is configured with unknown activation-config-property name failIfQuiesce.  This message is wrong, failIfQuiesce is supported by the IBM Resource adapter.
  • I had the same message with activation-config-property name cfLookup.   This was my problem.  I should have specified connectionFactoryLookup.
  • If you have <activation-config-property-name>connectionFactoryLookup… (specified in the ejb-jar) any other parameters you specify in the ejb-jar.xml file are ignored.
  • If you do not specify a connectionFactoryLookup, nor properties in the ejb-jar.xml file, defaults are provided, see Configuring the resource adapter for inbound communication.  In my case I had not specified  activation-config-property-name channel, and this defaulted to SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN, which is why it continued to use that channel.
  • It worth putting <activation-config-property-name>applicationName … in your definitions so you can see what you are using.
    • dis qstatus(JMSQ3) type(handle) gave me APPLTAG(CF3Name) so I can tell which definitions are being used.
    • If you get APPLTAG(weblogic.Server) then you are taking the defaults.
  • The Oracle documentation  says the precedence order is as below.    I do not think this is 100% accurate. (I could not specify some of the parameters on the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file).  I didnt try the java program.
    1. properties set in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor
    2. activation-config-property properties set in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor
    3. activationConfigProperty annotation properties in the java program.

What do I need to specify?

As a minimum you need to use connectionFactoryLookup or  specify

  1. applicationName – so you can identify which definitions are being used
  2. channel – which channel to use
  3. failIfQuiesce
  4. hostName
  5. port


The ejb-jar.xml file is in the META-INF directory.  Change  the ejb-jar.xml or  weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. IUpdate the jar file using a command like jar -uvf MDB4.jar  META-INF/ejb-jar.xml,   and redeploy it.

How do I get a client to disconnect?

I had a question from a customer who asked how they can reduce the number of client connections in use.  They had tried setting a disconnect interval (DISCINT) on the channel, but the connections were like weeds – you kill them off, and they grow back again.

DISCINT is “the length of time after which a channel closes down, if no message arrives during that period”.  This sounds perfect for most people.   The application is in an MQGET, and if no messages arrive, the channel can be disconnected, and the application gets connection broken.   The application can then decide to disconnect or reconnect.
If the application is not in an MQGET, then it will get notified of the broken connection next time it tries to use MQ.

Independent applications

Many applications are well written in that when they get Connection Broken, they just reconnect again, and so the DISCINT has no effect on reducing the number of connections. This may be good for availability but not for resource usage.   It may be good to have 1000 application instances running the day, but perhaps not overnight when there is no work to do.   Ive seen instances where the applications do an MQGET every minute, and with 1000 instances this can use a lot of CPU and doing no useful work.  In this case you want unused application instances to stop, and be restarted when needed.

You cannot use triggering with client connections (unless you have a very smart trigger monitor to produce an event which says start a client program over there).

Use automation periodically check the queue depth, and number of input handles. If there is a high queue depth, or a low number of handles(eg 2)  then start more application instances, across your back-end servers.  Your applications can then disconnect if they have not received a message within say 10 minutes.  This should keep the right number of application instances active.

An administrator should be able to get this automation set up, but getting the application to connect could be a challenge, as this requires the application developer to change the code!

Running under a web server

If your applications are running under a web server you may have mis-configured connection pools.  You can specify the initial size of the pool, and this many connections are made.  As more connections are needed, then more can be added to the pool until the pool maximum is reached. You should specify a time out value, so periodically the pool gets cleaned up, and unused connections are removed, until the pool is back to the initial size.  You should review the initial size of the pools ( is it too large), and the value of the time out value.

This should just be an administrative change.

Good luck, you may be successful in reducing the number of client connections, but do not set your hopes too high.