Understanding OSGI data

My original problem was to find the MQ configuration data used by applications running under Liberty on z/OS. I eventually found I could display all the configuration data from Liberty. This provided me with more data than I wanted to know. However this uses an interface with no authentication on authorization, and it can stop parts of Liberty.

I used the bundles command, collected the information in a file, and wrote a python script to process this file. This put each jar’s information in its own file, so it is readable.

This post describes what I see in it – It is not documented, so I may be wrong.

Within the data are

Within the file are two section

  • Registered services – services this jar provides
  • Services in use – services which this jar uses.

These contain dictionaries of  service properties. For example




This shows there are multiple object of type javax.jms.Queue/javax.jms.Destination.  One for  a queue called STOCK_REQUEST, the other for STOCK_RESPONSE

The object type com.ibm.ws.jca.service.AdminObjectService has almost the same information as the javax.jms.Queue object.    They have a different service.id, so they are different services.

I used grep to find all instances of STOCK_REQUEST.  There were 3 entries in 2 jar files

  • jar com.ibm.ws.app.manager_1.1.41 cl200620200528-0414:
    • {com.ibm.wsspi.application.lifecycle.ApplicationRecycleComponent,
    • config.displayId=jmsQueue[default-0],
  • jar com.ibm.ws.jca_1.0.41 cl200620200528-0414:
    • {com.ibm.wsspi.application.lifecycle.ApplicationRecycleComponent
    •  config.displayId=jmsQueue[default-0]
  • jar com.ibm.ws.jca_1.0.41 cl200620200528-0414:
    • {javax.jms.Queue
    •  config.displayId=jmsQueue[default-0]

We can see the same data is in multiple places – it should all be similar.

MQ pool size

I was interested in the information about MQ connection pools.  I found this in com.ibm.ws.jca.cm_1.1.41.cl200620200528-0414.

  • agedTimeout=-1
  • component.id=491
  • component.name=com.ibm.ws.jca.connectionManager
  • config.displayId=connectionManager[ConMgr1]
  • config.id=com.ibm.ws.jca.connectionManager[ConMgr1]
  • config.overrides=true
  • config.source=file
  • connectionTimeout=30
  • enableSharingForDirectLookups=true
  • id=ConMgr1
  • maxIdleTime=1800
  • maxPoolSize=5
  • purgePolicy=EntirePool
  • reapTime=180

See here for what they mean.

My python code for taking the output from “bundles” and create individual files

import sys
 fIn = open("/home/colinpaice/Documents/osgi.log", "r")
 for x in range(4): # ignore the top 4 lines
    line = fIn.readline()
    if not line: break
 outputFile = 0
 for x in range(100000): # 
    line = fIn.readline()
    if not line: break
    if line[0:5] == "osgi>": break 
    if line[0] != ' ': # new file 
      if outputFile != 0: 
      line1 = line.split();
      fn = 'output/' + line1[0]
      outputFile = open(fn,'w')
    elif line[0:5] == "  Id=": 
        v = line.split('"')
        outputFile.write(v[0] +"\n" ) 
        if len(v) > 1 :
            outputFile.write("  "+ '"'+v[1] +'"\n')  # services
    elif line[0:5] == '    {':
        p = line[5:-2].split("}={")
        p0 = p[0].split(", ")
        pad = "     {"        
        for ip0 in p0:
            outputFile.write(pad + ip0 +"\n")
            pad = "      "  
        outputFile.write("     }="+"\n")        
        p1 = p[1].split(", ")
        c = {}  # dictionary of the keyword=values
        for ip1 in p1:
             v = ip1.split("=")
             if ( len(v) ==1  ):  # no k=value, just value
                value = value + " " + v[0] # append it to the previous one
                if value.endswith("]"): # if it is the last one 
                                        # update the dict
                   c[kw] = value
                 kw = v[0]
                 value = v[1]              
                 c[kw] = value 
        pad = "     {"  # only the first one has  {...          
        for key in sorted(c.keys()): # print alphabetically                
           outputFile.write(pad + key+"="+c[key] +"\n")
           pad = "      "
        outputFile.write("     }" +"\n")              
        outputFile.write(line  ) 

Using OSGI to display information about the Liberty configurations. Useful commands

This post gives some of the commands you can issue to OSGI in Liberty.

I set up access to Liberty OSGi using


osgi.console= in bootstrap.properties file, and restarted Liberty.

Once it was active I used

telnet 5471 |tee -i osgi.log

to issue commands to OSGI and save the output in the osgi.log file.

A subset of the display commands

list the available commands (there are many)
help lb
explain the lb command
you have to type out the complete command
list the bundles. This produces a list with

  • ID – a number
  • State – Active
  • Name JMS Connection Factory
lb jca
list bundles with jca in the description.
list all information about all bundles.
bundles 99
Give more information on the bundle with id 99
headers 99
lists the information from the manifest about the specified bundle id.
list the high level jndi tree elements.
jndilist com/ibm
List the element under this tree.
jndilist jms
The JMS definitions

  • cf1: com.ibm.mq.connector.outbound.ConnectionFactoryImpl: com.ibm.mq.connector.outbound.ConnectionFactoryImpl…
  • stockRequestQueue: com.ibm.mq.connector.outbound.MQQueueProxy: com.ibm.mq.connector.outbound.MQQueueProxy…
  • stockResponseQueue: com.ibm.mq.connector.outbound.MQQueueProxy: com.ibm.mq.connector.outbound.MQQueueProxy…
lists the files in the directory on disk.
cat name
lists the contents of the named file from disk – see I said this was a dangerous command.

More than you ever wanted to know about your Liberty configuration – overview

It all started with wanting to look at the MQ configuration within MQWEB and z/OS Connect. I could not find a way of displaying the Liberty configuration information. I could look at the *.xml files, but this did not give me the information which is not in the configuration files. I thought about writing a Liberty feature which printed out the configuration, but then I stumbled across OSGI and the ability to query configuration information from outside of Liberty.

What is OSGI ?

The OSGi specification describes a modular system and a service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model, something that does not exist in standalone Java/VM environments. Applications or components, coming in the form of bundles for deployment, can be remotely installed, started, stopped, updated, and uninstalled without requiring a reboot; management of Java packages/classes is specified in great detail. Application life cycle management is implemented via APIs that allow for remote downloading of management policies. The service registry allows bundles to detect the addition of new services, or the removal of services, and adapt accordingly.


OSGI uses the term “bundle”. It looks like a bundle is a jar file, and the facilities within it. Listing one bundle had com.ibm.ws.ssl_1.3.41.cl200620200528-0414 [72] in it.

  • com.ibm.ws.ssl_1.3.41 is a jar file com.ibm.ws.ssl_1.3.41.jar
  • many files had cl200620200528-0414
  • [72] this was for bundle 72.

How does it work?

Each program package(jar file) contains a manifest.mf file. For example

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: MyService bundle
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.sample.myservice
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Bundle-Activator: com.sample.myservice.Activator
Import-Package:  org.apache.commons.logging;version="1.0.4"
Export-Package:  com.sample.myservice.api;version="1.0.0"

This gives information on

  • Information about your package (including its version number).
  • The entry point for the bundle.
  • What services it provide to other packages (com.sample.myservice.api).
  • What services it needs from other packages in order for it to work (com.sample.myservice.api).

OSGI sorts out all of these dependencies, provides access to the configuration in the *.xml files and additional configuration data hidden within the packages.

How can I use it to display configuration?

This is not very well documented. I think it is dangerous, as the osgi port allows unauthenticated access to start and stop services. I have not been able to restrict it to authorised users, or control what users have access to.

I found the following….

You need to specify in your Liberty *.xml files


and put


in the bootstrap.properties file. For example osgi.console= . I found a reference to osgi.console.ssh=ip:port, but this port was not opened during liberty startup.

If you specify osgi.console=5471, this uses the localhost, so you can only access it from the local machine. For example TSO TELNET 5471. Telnet from TSO is not very usable – it is better to use a telnet session from off z/OS, for example Linux.

From Linux I used:

telnet 5471 |tee -i osgi.log

This allowed me to issue interactive commands, and have the output written to the osgi.log file.

There are a variety of commands to display, start stop etc.

The list bundle command lb gave over 200 entries like

177|Active | 12|com.ibm.ws.messaging.jmsspec.common... 
178|Active | 12|com.ibm.websphere.javaee.jms.2.0 ... 
179|Active | 12|WMQ Resource Adapter ... 

The command bundle 179 gave information about the WMQ Resource Adapter above.

I used the bundles command to list all information about all bundles. I then used some python script to process the log file and write information about each bundle to its own file. From the jca file I could see com.ibm.ws.jca.service.ConnectionFactoryService has properties


and I could see the key properties for the queue manager connection.

For my MQ queue I could see


and finally I found the connection pool information I was looking for:


Phew – what a lot of work to get this information.

Do performance measurements need to be accurate and precise?

Like many performance questions the answer is “it depends”.

This question is one of the “simple” questions – which most people get wrong. For example you can have a very precise answer which is inaccurate.


People often give the wrong precision. For example

  • What is the difference between 1 and 1.0?
  • What is the difference between 999 and 1000, and 1000.0?

What is the difference between 1 and 1.0?

With decimal points you can tell the precision from the number of digits after the decimal point.

  • The value 1 is a number between 0.5 and 1.49, with a range of almost 1
  • the number 1.0 is between 0.95 and 1.049. with a range of almost 0.1

What is the difference between 999 and 1000, and 1000.0?

With numbers without a decimal point, the convention is the number of significant non zero digits.

  • 999 is in the range 998.5 to 999.49 a range of almost 1
  • 1000 has one significant digit – so this can represent a number in the range 500 to 1490, a range of almost 1000!
  • 1000.0 represents a number in the range 999.5 to 1000.49 a range of almost 1

Is precision important ?

If you have a set of measurements with values 9.6 9.8,9.9, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 10.4 the average is 10.0. Saying the average is 10.0 is misleading as it implies the value is between 0.995 and 10.049. The value have a spread – and in this case, saying the value is 10, is better than saying 10.0. You could say 10.0 ± 0.4 to give an even better answer.

Is accuracy important?

Depending on what you want to deliver from your measurements, the CPU figures you collect may not be accurate enough – or they may be good enough not to worry about.

Why are the CPU used figures inaccurate?

There is a gap between what is reported and what is actually used. For a high proportion of measurements the reported CPU is accurate enough. For some measurements you have to factor in this missing usage.

Below is a simplistic view of work being dispatched on an operating system.

  • The dispatcher scans the list of work to find the next work to dispatch
  • Get “Before – clock time”
  • Get “Before – processor CPU time”
  • Invoke the work. It does calculations, starts an I/O request and waits for the response, by returning control to the dispatcher
  • Get “After – processor CPU time”
  • Get “After – clock time”
  • Calculate the difference in clock times and accumulate this in the “work – active time”
  • Calculate the different in the processor CPU times to determine how much CPU time was used for the work, and accumulate this in the “work – CPU time”
  • The dispatcher scans the list of work to find the next work to dispatch
  • etc

The elapsed time figures, and the CPU time used are both accurate, but they do not include the elapsed time or the CPU time the dispatcher took to initiate the work and update the statistics. We can give a better estimate of the true costs.

When running a measurement z/OS can report the CPU used by each engine across the duration of the measurement. We might have

  • Total CPU used across the duration 50 seconds
  • Total CPU used for job A 40 seconds
  • Total CPU used for job B 9.5 seconds
  • Difference in CPU 0.5 seconds

A common way of allocating this “missing CPU” is to allocate it to the jobs depending on the amount of CPU the jobs used in the period. Job A would have 40 + (0.5 *40/50) = 40.4, and job B would have 9.5 + (0.5 * 9.5/50) = 9.6, a total of 50.

Is this completely accurate? – no but it is more accurate than before!

Is this important?

If you want to see the effects of defining an index on an SQL table, a throughput improvement of 100 times or two time, it is good enough to say yes – it improved performance. This does not need to be precise or very accurate.

If you have enhanced your program to remove bottlenecks and can show the CPU per transaction has dropped from 1.2 to 1.1 units then this relative comparison is valid – even if the cost is not entirely accurate.

If you want to give numbers for other people to use, such as the cost of 1000 transactions a second is 1.2 seconds of CPU on this configuration, you need to ensure the figures are accurate.

Do performance measurements need to be accurate and precise?

For many measurements the numbers do not need to be very precise, and the accuracy may be good enough.

Understanding Z/OS Connect SMF 123 subtype 2 record

Introduction to the z/OS Connect SMF records

z/OS Connect can provide two types of SMF record

  1. SMF 120 subtype 11, provided by the base Liberty support. This gives information on the URL used to access Liberty, and the CPU used to perform requests. This is enabled at the Server level – so you can have records for all request, or no requests. There is one SMF record for each web server request.
  2. SMF 123 provides information about API and the service used, and the “pass through” services. It provides elapsed time of the request, and of the the “pass through” requests. It does not provide CPU usage figures. This can be configured to produce records depending on the http host and port used to access z/OS Connect. One SMF record can have data for multiple web server requests. The SMF records are produced when the SMF record is full – or the server is shut down.

The SMF 120-11 and SMF 123 records are produced independently, and there is no correlating field between them. They both have a URI field, and time stamps, so at low volumes it may be possible to correlate the SMF data.

I’ll document the fields which I think are interesting. If you think other fields are useful please let me know and I’ll update this document.

I have written an SMF formatter in C which prints out interesting data, and summarises it.

SMF 123 subtype 2 fields

  • You get the standard date and time the record was produced, and with the LPAR. You can use PGM=IFASMFDP with the following to filter which records are copied
  • There is server version (3), system(SOW1), SYSPLEX(ADCDPLEX) and job id(STC04774) which are not very interesting
  • Server job name(SM3) is more interesting. I started the server with s baqstrt,parms=’MQTEST’,jobname=sm3
  • The config dir (/var/zosconnect/servers/MQTEST/) is boring – as is server level (open beta)
  • The HTTP code, for example 200 OK, 403 Forbidden. You may want to report requests with errors in a separate file
    1. So you know you have errors and can fix them
    2. Your statistics, such as average response time do not have dirty data in them.
  • An HTTP 1 character flag – this has always been 00 for me. I cannot find it documented.
  • The Client IP address.
  • You get userid information.
    • I used a certificate to authenticate. The DN from the certificate is not available. You only get the userid from the RACF mapping of DN to userid. This mapped userid was in the 64 byte field. The 8 byte userid field was empty for me. The lack of certificate DN, and having the userid in the wrong field feels like a couple of buglets. If you use LDAP, I think the long ID is stored in the long field, and the z/OS userid stored in the short field – so inconsistent.
  • You get the URL(URI) used /stockmanager/stock/items/999999. I treat this as a main key for processing and summarising data. You may need to process this value as the partnumber (999999) will be different for each query. You may want to have standards which say the first two elements (/stockmanager/stock) are useful for reporting. The remaining elements should be ignored when summarising records.
  • The start and stop times (2020/10/08 09:18:19.852360 and 2020/10/08 09:18:22.073946) are interesting. You can calculate the duration – which is the difference between them.
  • Request type API, Service, Admin. An Admin request is like using an URL like /zosConnect/services/stockQuery to get information about the stockQuery service.
  • The API name and version – stockmanager 1.0.0
  • The service name and version – stockQuery 1.0.0. You get the version information. If you do an online display of the service the version is not available.
  • Method GET/POST etc
  • The service provider. This is the code which does the real work of connection to CICS, MQ, or passing the request through. IBM MQ for z/OS, restclient-1.0
  • Request id starts at 1 and increments for the life of the server. If you restart the server it will restart from 1. I do not think this is very useful.
  • For “pass through” requests, z/OS Connect confusingly calls the back end service the Statement of Record or (SOR). (MQ is a transport, not a Statement of Record.) The “pass through” service definition is built from a parameter file and zconbt program. The reported data is
    • SOR ID the host and port These are from the <zosconnect_zosConnectServiceRestClientConnection host and port values.
    • SOR Reference restClientServiceY This is from the connectionRef=in the parameter file and the <zosconnect_zosConnectServiceRestClientConnection…> definition
    • SOR Resource zosConnect/apis/through. This is from the uri= in the parameter file.
    • Time of entry and time of return of the SOR service.
    • From the times calculate the difference to get the duration of the remote request.
  • It would be useful to have this “pass through time” for services calling MQ, CICS etc, so we could get a true picture of the time spent processing the requests.
  • The size of the data payload (0) , and the size of the response(94) excluding any headers.
  • A tracking token. The hex 64 byte string is passed to the some called servers. It is passed to some backends (CICS and “pass through”) to be able to correlate the request across systems. It is not passed to MQ. See X-Correlation-ID below for an example. This field is nulls for Admin request. When a request was “passed through” to another z/OS Connect server which processed the request, the tracking token was not reported in the SMF data of the second system. I dont know if the CICS SMF data records this token, but it is of little use for MQ, or for “pass through”.
  • You get 4 request header, and 4 response header fields. They were blank in my measurements, even though headers were passed to the pass through service. Looking a the http traffic, the request coming in had a header “Content-Type:application/json”. The request passed through to the back end included
    • User-Agent: IBM_zOS_Connect_REST_SP/open beta/20200803-0918
    • X-Correlation-ID: BAQ1wsHYAQAYwcTDxNfTQEDi8ObxQEBAQNikjpk+1klAAA==

What can you do with the data?

Do I need to use the SMF data?

From a performance perspective these records do not provide much information, as they are lacking information about CPU usage. From an audit perspective they have some useful information – but the records are missing information which would provide useful audit information. There is an overlap between the information in the SMF 123 records and the …/servers/…logs/http_access.log file which provides, date time, userid, URI, HTTP code.

What do I want to report on?

Decide what elements of the URI you want to report on. For example the URI /stockmanager/stock/items/999999 includes the stock part number, which may be different for each request. You might decide to summarise API usage on just the first two elements /stockmanager/stock/. You may have to treat each API individually to extract the key information.

I’ll use the term key for the interesting part of the URI – for example /stockmanager/stock.

What reports are interesting?

I think typical questions are:

  1. Which is the most popular API key?
  2. Is the usage of an API key increasing?
  3. How many API key requests were unsuccessful? This can show set-up problems, or penetration attempts.
  4. What is the response time profile of the requests? Are you meeting the business response time criteria?
  5. Which sites are sending in most of the requests. You cannot charge back on CPU used, as you do not know the CPU usage. You could do charge back at a fixed cost per API request, with each API having a different rate.
  6. Which userids are sending in most of the requests. You may want to provide more granular certificate to userid mapping to give you more detailed information

Understanding z/OS Connect SMF 120 subtype 11 data

z/OS Connect can provide two types of SMF record

  1. SMF 120 subtype 11, provided by the base Liberty support. This gives information on the URL used to access Liberty, and the CPU used to perform requests. This is enabled at the Server level – so you can have records for all request, or no requests. There is one SMF record for each web server request. Would I use this to report CPU used ? No – see the bottom of this blog.
  2. SMF 123 provides information about API and the service used, and the “pass through” services. It provides elapsed time of the request, and of the the “pass through” requests. It does not provide CPU usage figures. This can be configured to produce records depending on the http host and port used to access z/OS Connect. One SMF record can have data for multiple web server requests. The SMF records are produced when the SMF record is full – or the server is shut down.

The SMF 120-11 and SMF 123 records are produced independently, and there is no correlating field between them. They both have a URI field, and time stamps, so at low volumes it may be possible to correlate the SMF data.

I’ll document the fields which I think are interesting. If you think other fields are useful please let me know and I’ll update this document.

I have written an SMF formatter in C which prints out interesting data, and summarises it.

SMF 120-11

  • You get the standard date and time the record was produced, and with the LPAR. You can use PGM=IFASMFDP with the following to filter which records are copied
  • There is server version (3), system(SOW1), and job id(STC04774) which are not very interesting
  • Server job name(SM3) is more interesting. I started the server with s baqstrt,parms=’MQTEST’,jobname=sm3
  • The config dir (/var/zosconnect/servers/MQTEST/) is boring – as is code level (
  • The start and stop times (2020/10/08 09:18:19.852360 and 2020/10/08 09:18:22.073946) are interesting as is the duration – which is the difference between them.
  • You get userid information.
    • I used a certificate to authenticate. The DN from the certificate is not available. You only get the userid from the RACF mapping of DN to userid. This mapped userid was in the 64 byte field. The 8 byte userid field was empty for me. The lack of certificate DN, and having the userid in the wrong field feels like a couple of buglets.
  • You get the URL used /stockmanager/stock/items/999999 I treat this as a main key for processing and summarising data. If you want to summarise the data, you may want so summarise it just on /stockmanager/stock/. The full URI contains the part number – and so I would expect a large number of parts.
  • You can configure your requests to WLM. For example
<httpClassification transactionClass="TCI1" method="GET" 

This produced in the SMF record

WLM Classify type :URI :/zosConnect/services/stockQuery
WLM Classify type :Target Host :
WLM Classify type :Target Port :19443

This means that the URL, the host, and the port were passed to WLM to classify.

If you get the WLM classification you also get CPU figures when the enclave request ended (was deleted).

  • You get the ports associated with the request.
    • Which port was used on the server – Target Port :9443
    • Where did the request come from? Origin : and port :36786
  • The number of bytes in the response Response bytes :791
  • CPU figures for the CPU used on the TCB. See discussion below on the usefulness of this number. You get the CPU figures before the request, and after the request – so you have to calculate the difference yourself! The values come from the timeused facility. You can calculate the delta and get
    • CPU Used Total : 0.967417
    • CPU Used on CP : 0.026327
    • and calculate these to to get CPU Delta. on Z**P : 0.941090 This is the CPU offloaded to ZIIP or ZAAP.
  • If you had the URI classified with WLM, you get Enclave data, see below for a discussion on what the numbers mean.
    • Enclave CPU time : 0.148803
    • Enclave CPU service : 0.000000
    • Enclave ZIIP time : 0.148803
    • Enclave ZIIP Service : 0.000000

What do the CPU numbers mean?

Typically a transaction flow is as follows

  1. A listening thread listens on the HTTP(s) host and port.
  2. When a request arrives, it passes the request to a worker thread, and goes back to listening
    1. The worker thread may do some work and send the response back
    2. The worker thread may need to call another thread to do some work. For example to issue an MQ request,
      1. the MQ code looks for a thread in a pool for a matching queue manager and userid. If it find one it uses it the thread and issues the MQ request.
      2. If it does not find a matching thing thread it may allocate a new thread, and issue an MQCONN to connect to MQ. These are both expensive operations, which is why having a pool of threads with queue manager and userid is a good way of saving CPU
      3. The work is done
      4. The thread is put back into the MQ pool, and the application returns to the worker thread
      5. The worker thread sends the response back to the originator

A thread can ask the operating system, how much CPU time it(the thread) has used. What usually happens is

  1. the thread requests how much CPU it has used
  2. the thread does some work
  3. the thread requests how much CPU it has used,
  4. the thread calculates the difference between the two CPU values and reports this delta.

I the SMF 120 record records the CPU from just the worker thread – and no other thread.


When there are more than one thread involved it gets more complex, as you could have a CICS transaction issuing an MQ request, then a DB2 request, and then an IMS request. You can set up z/OS WorkLoad Manager(WLM) to say “these CICS transactions in this CICS region are high priority”.

With some subsystems you can pass a WLM token into a request. The thread being invoked call tell WLM that the thread is now working on behalf of this token. The thread does some work, and tells WLM that it has finished doing the work. WLM can manage the priority of the threads to achieve the best throughput, for example making the thread high or low priority. WLM can manage a thread doing work in multiple LPARs across a sysplex!

WLM records the CPU used by the thread while performing the work, accumulates and reports this.

This use of multiple threads for a business transaction across one or more address spaces is known as an enclave.

What happens with enclaves?

  1. A request arrives at the listener thread.
  2. The Liberty looks up the URI in the <wlmClassification httpClassification…. It compare the server’s host, server’s port, the URI resource /stockmanager… method ( GET) and finds the best match for the transactionClass.
    1. If there is a transactionClass,
      1. the server calls WLM with the Subsystem type of CB, the specified collectionName, and the transactionClass.
      2. WLM looks for these parameters and if WLM has a matching definition then WLM will manage the priority of the work,
      3. WLM returns a WLM token.
      4. This WLM token is passed to threads which are set up for enclaves.
    2. If there is no transaction class specified in Liberty, or WLM does not have the subsystem, collectionname, transactionClass then there is no token or a null WLM token
    3. The work continue as before.
    4. If another thread is used then pass the WLM token. If the code is set up for WLM token then report “work started”, when it has finished report “work ended”

What happens if the request is not known to WLM.

The worker thread calculates the CPU used for just its work, and reports this. The CPU used by any other thread is not report. The figures reported are the CPUTotal timeused values. You have to calculate the difference yourself

What happens if the request is known to WLM.

You get the timeused CPU for the worker thread – as with the case where the request is not known to WLM.

From RMF (or other products) you get out reports for an interval with

  1. The number of requests in the interval
  2. The rate of requests in the interval
  3. The amount of time on a CP engine in seconds
  4. The amount of time on a ZIIP engine is seconds
  5. The amount of time on a ZAAP in seconds.
  6. Over the interval, what percentage of time was CP on CP engines, zAAP on zAAP engines, zAAP on CP engines, zIIP on zIIP engines.

From the SMF 120 records you get

Enclave CPU time
Enclave ZAAP time
Enclave ZIIP time

Example Enclave figures.

For 100 API requests, the figures as reported by SMF 120-11, and I averaged the values.

  1. Average CPU(1) 0.023
  2. Average CPU(2) 0.0008
  3. Enclave CPU 0.029
  4. Enclave ZAAP 0
  5. Enclave ZIIP 0.028

The figures reported by RMF per request

  1. CPU 0.031
  2. ZIIP 0.039
  3. ZAAP 0.000
  4. Total 0.070 seconds of CPU per transaction

These figures tie up – the Enclave CPU, ZIIP, and ZAAP are similar.

The CPU used by the server address space was

  1. CPU 30.1 seconds
  2. ZIIP 28.7 seconds
  3. ZAPP 0 seconds.
  4. Total 58.8.

Each request took 0.070, and there were 100 requests – so reported 7 second of CPU.

The difference(51) seconds is not reported in the transaction costs. It looks like the “timeused” value is less than 1% of the CPU value, and the enclave figures are under 2% of the grand total.

Looking at the trace in a dump, I can see many hot TCBs using much more CPU that is reported by WLM and RMF. I expect that many TCBs used in a request, but they do not have the enclave support in them. Overall – pretty useless for charge back and understanding the cost per transaction.

What’s the difference between MQ Web, and z/OS Connect MQ support?

With MQ Web

  1. You can issue commands to administer MQ  for example display, define, delete MQ objects.
  2. You can put and get messages to and from a queue.  The message is what you specify – typically a character string.

With Z/OS Connect MQ support

  1. You can put and get messages to and from a queue, and do transformations on the message.  For example mapping a COBOL structure to JSON.  
  2. You can do field validation.
  3. You can covert HTTP code “200” to “great it worked”.

What is common?

They both use z/OS WebSphere Liberty to provide the basic web server.

Is “how many fruit do I get per kilogram” a better metric than MIPS?

I was reading an article about the cost of a transaction and how many MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second) it used.  This annoyed me as it is wrong at so many levels.

  1. MIPS depends on how long the transaction ran for. Millions of Instructions used (MINU?) would be a better metric
  2. Instructions are different sizes, and the CPU used by an instruction varies depending on many things.
  3. If I was to talk about “How many fruit I can get per kilogram”, you would rightly say that  apples weigh more than grapes. You get different sorts of apples of different sizes, so you might get 12 cox’s apples per kilogram, but 10 Granny Smiths.  I’m sure you are thinking number of fruit per kilogram is a stupid measurement.   I agree – but this is the same discussion as MIPS.
  1. Obvious statement : The duration of an instruction depends on the instruction.   Instructions that access memory are often slower than instructions that just access registers.
  2. Not so obvious statement.    The same instruction (for example load register) can have different durations
  3. Not at all obvious:  The same physical instruction – for example in a loop – can have different durations
  4. Not at all obvious: A register to register instruction can be slower than a memory to register instruction.

Let’s take the covers off and get our hands under the covers.

  1. The z machines have the processors in “books”; in reality these are big cards.
  2. There can be multiple chips per book.
  3. There is memory in each book
  4. The length of the wire between two books might be 1 metre.
  5. Inside each chip are the processors.
  6. Each processor has cache for instructions, and cache for data.  This memory is within a few millimetres of the processors
  7. There is cache on the chip independent of the processors, it is within 1 cm of the processors.

Just a few more observations

  1. The Load instruction – is not an instruction – it is actually a microprogram using the underlying chip technology
  2. Some instructions were written in millicode – and then a release or so later were written in microcode.   The MVCL instruction is a good example of this.  It can move Megabytes of data in one instruction.

For the instruction L R4,20(R3).   This says load register 4 with the contents of  20 bytes off what register 3 point to.   I’ll look at how long this instruction takes to execute.

Put this load instruction in a little loop and go round the loop twice.

JUMPHERE SR    R1,R1    clear register 1
LOOP   LTR   R1,R1    test register 1
     BNZ   PAST    If it is non zero go to PAST
      L     R4,20(R3) Load register 4 from storage
      AFI   R1,1 Add 1 to register 1
    B LOOP 
PAST   DS   0H

What are the differences in the duration of the L R4,20(R3) instruction, first time and second time around the loop?

  1. If the application issued goto/jump to JUMPHERE, this block of code may not be in the processor’s instruction cache.  It may be in the chips’ cache.  If so – there will be a delay while the block of instructions are loaded into the proccessor’s cache.
  2. When the Load instruction is executed – both times it is in the processor’s cache, so there is no time difference.
  3. The first time, the instruction has to be parsed into  “Load”, “register 4″,”20 bytes from what register 3 points to”.   The second time, it can reuse this information – so it will be quicker.
  4. “Go and access the storage from what register 3 points to”.  You have convert register 3 to a real page. There are lots of calculations to Translate a virtual address to its “real address”.  For example each address space has an address 2000. It needs to use the look up tables for that address space to map 2000 to the real page.  Once it has calculated the “real” page – it keeps it in a Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB). (LPAR#.ASID#.2000 -> 39945000).   The second time, this information is already in the TLB.
  5.  The “real” storage may be in the same chip as you are executing, or it may be on a different chip.  It could be on a chip on a different book.  There is about 1 meter of cabling between where the real storage is, and the instruction requesting it.  The speed of light determines how long it will take to access the data – 0.000001 of a meter or 1 meter.    The second time the load instruction is executed, it is already in the processors’ cache.

In this contrived example I would expect the second load to be much faster than the first load – perhaps 1000 times faster.  Apples and grapes…

The z Hardware can report where time is being spent, and allows IBM to tune the programs to reduced delays.

There was one z/OS product which had a pointer to the next free buffer in the trace table.   The code would get the buffer and update the pointer to the next free buffer.  This worked fine when there was only one thread running.  On a big box with 16 engines every processor was trying to grab and update this pointer.   Sometime it had to grab it from a different book, sometimes it had to grab it from another processor in the same chip.  From the hardware instrumentation it was obvious that a lot of time was spent waiting for this “latch”.   By giving each processor its own trace table – totally removed this contention, and the trace buffers were close to the processors – so a win win situation.

I said that a register to register could be slower than a memory to register – how?

The processors can process multiple instructions in parallel.  While it is waiting for some storage to arrive from 1 metre away, it can be decoding the next 10 instructions.  There is what I like to think of as a “commit” in all processing, and the commit processing has to be done in strict order. 

So if we had

    L  R1,20(R3)      
SR  R4,R4
  SR  R6,R6 

The two Subtract Registers may be very quick and almost completed before the Load instruction has finished. They cannot “commit” until the Load has committed.   Picture trying to debug this if the instructions had been executed out of order!

Now consider

 L    R1,20(R3)      
LTR R1,R1 Test if register 1 is zero
LH R6,100(R7)

The Load and Test Register(LTR) is using register 1 – which is being used by the Load instruction.  The LTR has to wait until  the previous Load has “Committed” before it can access the register.  In effect the LTR is having to wait until the Load’s data is retrieved from 1 metre away – so very slow.

The data for the Load Halfword R6,100(R7) may be in the data cache – and so be very fast.   We therefore have the situation that the register, register instruction LTR takes a “long” time, and the memory register Load Halfword – is blazingly fast.

Things ain’t what they used to be.

I remember when IBM changed from Silicon processors to CMOS.  We went from a machine with one engine delivering 50 MIPS to a machine with 5 processors each delivering 11 MIPS.   The bean counters said “be happy – you have more MIPS”.    The transactions were now 5 times slower, but you could now have 5 transactions  running in parallel, and so overall throughput was very similar.  I wonder if these bean counters are the ones who think that if the average family has 2.5 children, there must be a lot of half brothers and half sisters.

For those people who have to compare one box with another box, or want to know how much CPU is needed for a transaction use CPU seconds.  There are tables giving a benchmark of the same workload on different machines, and so you can make comparisons between the machines.