One minute – debugging an HTML page

I had an HTML page with javascript and wanted to debug it and see what was going on. It was all pretty easy, but some things took a while to understand. I’ll describe some of the things I did using Chrome browser. Firefox has similar capabilities.

I found JavaScript debugging reference which looks pretty good.

Using the Chrome Debugger Tools, part 3: The Sources Tab is pretty comprehensive.

Getting started

  • Display an html page.
  • To get into developer tools use Ctrl+Shift+I

You get a display like

  1. The web page (squashed up) to a narrow column
  2. Elements – you can see the HTML components. As you move your mouse over the elements in the list, the fields in the web page are highlighted
  3. Sources – you can see the source of the program with the javascript etc. Errors in the file will get flagged on this page
  4. Debug” switch. The icon next to it is the “step over”
  5. Watch” – You can specify which variables you want displayed permanently
  6. “Scope” you can list and display all the variables available to you at that point in the web page
  7. An example of the source

Display and edit the HTML

Clock on the Elements tab (2 in the above picture) to display the source.

You may have your javaScript within the page, or referenced by http://./reply.js. You can see these under the page sub tab, or as a tab in the source (7). You may have to click on the name on the “Page” tab, to get it displayed in the source pane.

This shows sssserver.html is the main one, and checkCipher.js has been included. Some of these may be displayed as tabs above the sourc

  • It gives a good high level view of the program for example it may have <head>…</head>. The … show there is omitted content. Click on the … to display the content.
  • As you move your mouse over the HTML the web page elements will be highlighted. Moving over the <body> shows the whole web page, moving over a <p> shows just the paragraph.
  • As you click on some html, it displays the CSS on the right had side.
    • It tells you what CSS is being used for example the “p” tag with option “display”:block
    • As you move your mouse over the CSS picture it highlights the data on the html page
  • You can edit the HTML, add elements, delete elements etc

Set breakpoint

  • Click on the Sources (3) tab
  • Click on the line number of interest – it toggles blue.
  • Run the page

Step through the code

  • Click on the Sources (3) tab.
  • Click on the pause button (4); it gets grayed out
  • Run your script. I clicked the submit button.
  • The display changes and it shows “Debugger paused”.
    • Open the “watch” twistie and click “+”. You can now enter a variable name to display the object.
      • Open the object’s twistie to display the attributes of the object
      • Open the “Scope” twistie. Open the “Local” twistie. This will display all of the local variables. Open the variable’s twistie to see all its attributes. I do not think you can change the data. Use ctrl+alt+left mouse to expand or compress the twistie.
  • Open the “Breakpoint” twistie and select “Pause on uncaught exception” and “Pause on caught exception“. This will stop when it detects a problem
  • If you click the icon next to the Pause Icon (or F10) it will step through the code.
  • If you click on a line of javascript and use right-click you select “Continue to here”.
  • Within an active code segment, hovering over a variable will display the attributes. (You can also go to “Scope” and display from that window. Clicking on the window object( for example) gives all the operations you can do on that object (for example all of the on…. method names) .
  • If your code has console.log(“something”) this will appear in the console tab.

To get out of the current debug press the browser’s stop (X) and browser’s “reload/refresh” button.

Where did it spend its time?

If you click on the “Network” tab it shows where time was spent on the network. For example which files were got, and how long it took to get the data. It gives information on

  • Which file was loaded.
  • Status – 200 is OK.
  • Type eg .gif.
  • Initiator – which page did the request come from.
  • Size ( if it was downloaded) or “cache” if it was already in the browser cache.
  • Time in milliseconds.
  • “Waterfall” breaks down the time spent

Under the “Performance” tab you can record the activity, and display it.

Use Control+E to start, then Ctrl+E to stop it.

It displays information like

What do all of the keys do?

If you click on the settings wheel, and select Shortcuts, it displays all the options and key combinations.

Debugging a java script file?

Chrome caches these. Disable this by going to the Network table and click on “disable cache”

Html field validation and back-end checking

When writing HTML pages which include fields where users can enter data, you usually want to validate the input. Having checks in your html may be good – but someone could use a REST API url and send data directly to the back-end, and bypass your checks. This means that as well as field checking in your panels, you also need field checking in the back-end before doing any data updates.

The flow of logic for a web server application is

  • display an html page with input fields for user to complete. There may be input fields(possibly read only) with defaults pre-supplied, there may also be ‘input’ fields which have a value, are read only ,and not displayed. This allows you to pass “constant” data to the server, via the URL.
  • The back-end request is submitted.
  • The back-end application:
    • Validates the parameters. These checks may be more stringent that the HTML validate, for example it may lookup a value in a database rather than just checking it is numeric . If a request, such as a REST API request, arrives, the parameters will not have been checked.
    • Augments any data, for example add constant values, or system wide data.
    • Transforms any data, for example change a string option to a numeric option as needed by the service.
    • Calls the service, such as database insert
    • Passes a response back to the caller, possibly in JSON format, giving
      • Return code
      • Any error message
      • Any field in error
  • The front end displays any error messages, and positions the cursor in the first field with a problem.

The easy field validation.

You can have an input field like

<input … required pattern=”…” minlength=”4″ maxlength=”8″ type=”number”

value=”colin paice” readonly=”readonly” title=”colins email address”>

where you can have

  • required – the user must enter value.
  • pattern – you can specify a standard regular expression, such as a string must start with a capital letter.
  • minlength and maxlength – allows you to specify limits to the size.
  • type – can be number, text, password, file, etc..
  • value – you can preset a value.
  • readonly – the user can see it, but cannot change it. You can preset this with value=… .
  • type=hidden, can be used with value to pass a value to the back end that the user cannot see it on the page.
  • title – produces hover over the field so you can provide a description of the expected format.
  • you can define radio buttons, pull down lists, or multi choice selection.

Javascript validation

When the user takes an action, for example pressing a submit button, or changing the value of a field, you can drive a Javascript script.

This can do more complex checking of values. The onfocus=focusfunction(this) invokes the focusfunction when field gets focus (you put your cursor into the input box) (not very useful). The onblur=blurfunction(this) gets control when you move away into another field (much more useful)

  function check(a){
<input type="text" onblur = "check(this)" >

After a value is entered into the input field, and you move to another field, it will pop up an alert window with the value you entered.

You can get the the values of several fields and check they are mutually consistent.

You can use the <form onsubmit=…> to invoke a script when submitting a form, to check that all parameters have been specified and are consistent.

Checking parameters passed to an html page

An action such as submitting a form, can display another page. Parameters can be passed as part of the URL. For example


  • The invoked page was file:///home/colinpaice/tmp/c2.html
  • The parameters start after the ?
  • Parameters are split at the & sign
  • Some characters are converted to their hex value; for example & and blanks. This is done so the string can be unambiguously parsed.

I have a useful page which processes any parameters and displays them within the page

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<HTML lang="en">
  function js_onload_code (e){
    var url = document.location.href;
    var p = url.split('?')[1]; // any parms
    if (p)  // there is a parameter
       var params = p.split('&');
       if (params) // we have at least one parameter.
         var l = params.length;  // number of them
         for (var i = 0 ; i < l; i++) {
            tmp = params[i].split('=');
            document.write(tmp[0] + "=" + tmp[1] +  "<br>");
         }  // for
      } // if params    
  } // function
 window.onload= js_onload_code ();

<TITLE> Invoked page</TITLE>

<BODY  >
<p>Parameters passed in</p>


When this page is executed,

  • window.onload= js_onload_code (); says when this page is loaded execute the script. Within the script..
    • var url = document.location.href; gets the URL string
    • var p = url.split(‘?’)[1]; split to get any parameters. Take the URL, split it at ? and take the second value (for zero based, 0 is the first element, 1 is the second element)
    • ...split(‘&’); split the keyword string at the “&”
    • var params = p.split(‘&’); create an array of strings split at the &
    • var l = params.length; count the number of strings produced by split(‘&’)
    • for (var i = 0 ; i < l; i++) { tmp = params[i].split(‘=’); document.write(tmp[0] + “=” + tmp[1] + “<br>”); } for each string – split keyword=value, and insert it into the page.

Server side checking

For a table using method=”get” the parameters are passed in the URL as show above.

For method=”post” data is passed via stdin, and the server application has to read the data. Depending your backend application you may have to write special code. Python handles post and get with no difference in code. You have to write code for Rexx to handle POST.

The server processing is

  • Validates the parameters. These checks may be more stringent that the HTML validate, for example it may lookup a value in a database. If a request, such as a REST API request, arrives, the parameters will not have been checked.
  • Augments any data, for example add site wide data value, or system specific data
  • Calls the service, such as database insert
  • Passes a response back to the caller, possibly in JSON format, giving
    • Return code
    • Any error message
    • Any field in error

Python program can pass data such as lists, and dictionary to external routine.

Rexx program communication is done using a command string. You can separate fields by a delimiter, and then parse the input string. As the URL passed in as a format url?kw1=v1&kw2=v2&… you could pass that string through to external routines.

You may want to have common routines for checking values. These would need to be outside of the server program, so they can be shared. You might parse the url passed to the server program into Rexx variables

  • kw.1=”userid, value.1=”colin”,
  • kw.2=”password”,value.2=”passw0rd”

then have logic like

do I = 1 to number_of_inputs
  if kw.i = "userid" then rc  =checkuid(value.i)
  else if kw.i="password" then rc = "checkpw(value.i)

You might have to have multiple passes of the data so you get userid, and password, and then issue

userid = ""
password = ""
do I = 1 to number_of_inputs
  if kw.i = "userid" then userid = value.i
  else if kw.i="password" then password= value.i 
rc = checkpw(userid,password)

Where rc could be in a string of format “rc value”


  • rc =0 – use the returned value
  • rc!=0 – error detected. The value is an error message. Pass it, and the field name, back to the caller

If you want to add “constant” data


number_of_inputs =number_of_input + 1
n = number_of_inputs 

You can then build a string similar to the original input from the kw… and value… values.

There is a lot to consider for a simple little application!

Writing a simple html page and service was not as simple as it looks.

I’ve been using the internet for over 30 years – using “gopher” before web browsers were invented, and I assumed I knew how web pages worked. I’ve had a steep learning curve to get a simple html application talking which talks to a back end server, to work. I also want to invoke the back end service from a REST API request. I thought this should not take me more than an hour or two. Ha Ha – I never learn that these simple things, always takes longer than you thought.

If there is an easier way to update my page from the back-end, please tell me.

My expectations

Having worked with CICS BMS maps, ISPF panels and IOS3270, I was expecting the application model where the layout and the data are separate. You send down the boiler plate layout of the data, and then send down the data in the format of label = data. The display manager then merges the data into the correct field in the boiler plate. This allows you to use different boiler plates, without changing your application, and helps preserver data isolation.

If seems that the HTML model is that you build up the data stream as you go along, (merging boiler plate and data at generation time) so you use

print('<Label for="name">Name<label>')
print('<input type="readonly" value="%s">' %"Colin")

to put “Colin” in the field. At a naive level it looks very simple, but it merges display with data, and makes it harder to maintain and update.

What I wanted

I want the front end display to look like

to display (after the submit button is pressed)

Some useful information.

When you give a URL such as http://mysite/mypage?parm1=abc&parm2=zyz&parm3=99, the page or program can process the keyword=value pairs after the ? and delimited by &. You can write a page and pass these parameters, so the page can display these values. This can provide the application model of “here is the boilerplate of the layout, and here are the data to go in the fields”.

HTML options

The easy bit – the anchor tag

Within an HTML page you can have code like <a href=”colin.html”>colins link</a. This displays the text colins_link, and if you click on the text it goes off and displays page “colin.html” from the same directory as the current page. This tends to be used when displaying information, with no input from the end user.

The almost easy bit – using a form

If you want the end user to provide information, you can use the <input>…</input> tag for example

<input id=email name="email" value="">


  • id can be used to reference this field from a script within the page
  • name – is passed with the data to the back end server
  • value – you can preset a value.

You typically have a “submit” button or similar to send the data in the input fields to the next stage.

Typically you put these input fields in a form. You can set up event handlers, so when the user presses the “submit” button, scripts are run in the page to validate data before it is sent off.

Using forms – still pretty easy

Using forms is more complex than a simple anchor page and link to another page.

A form can have

  • action=url. The request is sent to the given url. This may just be another html page, or it may be a script which processes data in the request.
  • method=post|method=get. Method=post is used for transactional type work (make a database update) . Method=get tends to be used for non transactional request, (no changes made in the backend).


With method=get, the input data is appended to the action URL ,so a request may be colin.html?userid=colin&password=passw0rd. This can be seen in URLs.


With method=post, the data is read from stdin in the backend application. It is not in the URL.

In the HTTP section of a wireshark trace,

and followed by

I want the back-end to update my front end page – this suddenly gets hard!

My application scenario is

The end user is presented with an HTML page, the data is sent to the back-end server. Some validation is done, and a response is sent back to the requester.

The back end can return

  • Headers which say redirect (status 303); display a specified URL, and pass it some parameters. The web browser can then go and get the page , display it, and used the passed field values to update the display.
  • Display HTML. You could build the html, and include any variable data as you build it, and send the whole stream of data.
  • Other data, such as a JSON object, eg {“rc”:”ok”,”field”:”password”,”msg”:”this is the problem”}
  • A file or other data to download – rather than display
  • You can also return headers giving security information or meta data about the payload.

My back-end application wants to report a parameter error to the requester – how do I do it?

I want to report an error the the end user, and have the cursor in the field with the problem. The front end and back end are isolated from each other which makes this hard.

I cannot just return some html data, as it will replace what is currently displayed. I know the link which called my back end (the “referer” header), but do not know the field names, or what other processing was done before my back end was called, I cannot just say redisplay it.

The only way I could find was to pass back some JSON data, for example in the format {“rc”:”error”,”field”:”password”,”msg”:”there is the problem”} and have some complex logic in the front end to process this.

I’ll skip over some magic, for a moment, for getting the data back to the front end page. The request gets sent, and the front page waits for the response. The front page extracts the JSON response and processes it…

  • Check the status code is OK, and that there were no errors reported by the back-end (for example file not found, or logic problem in the script).
  • Update the error message field
    • The returned JSON has a field “msg:…..” which can be referenced as json.msg .
    • Have a field in the front end page like <p id=”errorMessage“>No error messages yet</p> .
    • Update the error message field (with id “errormessage”) in the document from a field in the JSON using JavaScript document.getElementById(‘errorMessage‘).innerHtml = json.msg. The id=.. field links these up.
  • The data passed to the back end was a series of ?fieldname1=value1&fieldname2=value2&fieldnam3=value3... . The back-end puts the field-name in error into the JSON “field” attributes. The script in the front page:
    • Extracts the “field:…” from the JSON.
    • Gives focus to the field name taken from the JSON.field and uses document.getElementById(json.field).focus(); to give the field the focus, and so position the cursor in the field.

The magic to trap the response from the back-end – the advanced topic.

The only way I found find of capturing the json data passed back from my server application was some complex coding.

Within the code below is the use of Promises, a way of handling asynchronous requests. Rather than a deeply nested set of if-then-else, it uses a sequence of .then(itworks_callback, error_callback). The returned value of the itworks_callback is passed to the next .then(…,…).

We then have

.then((aobject) => {... return(aobject.json) } )
.then((b) => {... return("a returned value"}) 

The .then((aobject) => ... is passed an object (aobject) which is passed into an inline function which extracts the json payload and passes it to the next .then statement. In the second “.then” , “b” gets the aobject.json data.

Within the <body..</body> of my html page I had displayable fields

<p id="errorField">No Errors yet</p>

<form id="target"  
      enctype="multipart/form-data"  >
  <label for="email">Enter your email: </label>
  <input id=email 
  <label for="password">Enter your pw: </label>
  <input id=password name="password" value="pw">
  <input type="submit">
  <input type="text" onblur = "check(this)" >
<p id="passed"></p>

Within the <body>…</body> I had

  document.forms["target"].addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
  fetch("cgi-bin/", {
      method: 'POST',
      body: new URLSearchParams(new FormData( // is the form
  }).then((response) => { 
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
      // for (var pair of response.headers.entries()) {
      //    console.log("31:"+ pair[0]+ ': '+ pair[1]);
      // }    
      return (response.json();
      // set the focus to the value returned
      // update the fields on the page
      document.getElementById('errorField').innerHTML = result.msg
      document.getElementById('passed').innerHTML = result.passed;

  }).catch((error) => {
       errorField.innerHTML = error;
      console.log(error);// TODO handle error

The script does

  • document.forms[“target”].addEventListener(‘submit’, (event) => set up a handler for the form with id “target”, for when the form is submitted, and set the variable “event” to the parameter object.
  • event.preventDefault(); Do not do the default – I want to process it.
  • Send the data off to the url cgi-bin/ and wait for the response
    • fetch(“cgi-bin/”, {
    • method: ‘POST’,
    • body: new URLSearchParams(new FormData( // is the form
    • }).
  • then((response) => { the result of the fetch is passed to an inline function, with object called response.
  • Handle any errors
    • if (!response.ok) {
    • throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
    • }
  • Display the header records from the response … commented out
    • // for (var pair of response.headers.entries()) {
    • // console.log(“31:”+ pair[0]+ ‘: ‘+ pair[1]);
    • // }
  • return (response.json(); Pass on the json payload to the next .then statement
  • })
  • .then(function(result) This is passed the json data and stored in result.
  • {
  • // set the focus to the value returned
  • document.getElementById(result.field).focus(); Extract the field name from the json and set the focus to the field
  • // update the fields on the page
  • document.getElementById(‘errorField’).innerHTML = result.msg This is the error message field.
  • document.getElementById(‘passed’).innerHTML = result.passed; And provide some feedback information , which is the parameters passed to the backend.
  • }).catch((error) => {
  • errorField.innerHTML = error;
  • console.log(error);// TODO handle error
  • return(error);
  • });
  • });

Phew! What a lot you need to understand to just pass back the return code, and error message! I could not find an easier method. It may exist… but it is not well documented.

Useful Linux ufw commands

I had just install Apache Httpd server, and found the documentation had some useful Useful FireWall (ufw) commands, which makes it even easier to configure ufw.

ufw app list

The ufw documentation says

ufw supports application integration by reading profiles located in

/etc/ufw/applications.d. To list the names of application profiles known to ufw, use:

ufw app list

Users can specify an application name when adding a rule (quoting any profile names with spaces). For example, when using the simple syntax, users can use:

ufw allow <name>

Or for the extended syntax:
ufw allow from to any app <name>

My commands

ufw app list

gave me

Available applications:
  Apache Full
  Apache Secure
  Postfix SMTPS
  Postfix Submission

sudo ufw allow ‘Apache’

gave me

Rule added
Rule added (v6)

sudo ufw status gave me

Status: active

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
Anywhere                   ALLOW                  
Apache                     ALLOW       Anywhere                  
Apache (v6)                ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)    

Really useful functions!

The hidden startup options for httd on z/OS

I had clearly configured http on z/OS, as when it started it printed Colins startup, but I could not find where this was being executed from.

I eventually found it was in the home directory for httpd. My http server starts with PARM=’SH /usr/lpp/ihsa_zos/bin/apachectl…’. In /usr/lpp/ihsa_zos/bin/envvars are the magic startup parameters, including some gsktrace settings.

I have

.  /usr/lpp/ihsa_zos/bin/ 
#rm /u/mqweb3/conf/*.log 

export GSK_TRACE=0x00 
export GSK_TRACE=0xff 
export GSK_TRACE_FILE=/u/mqweb3/conf/httpd.gsktrace 
#xport GSK_SERVER_TLS_KEY_SHARES=00300029002500240023 
#export GSK_TLS_SIG_ALG_PAIRS=0601050104010301080608050804050304030603 
#export GSK_TLS_CERT_SIG_ALG_PAIRS=0601050104010301080608050804050304030603 f

and /usr/lpp/ihsa_zos/bin/ has

echo 'colins cleanup' 
rm /u/mqweb3/conf/*.log 
rm /u/mqweb3/conf/httpd.gsktrace 

It is always easy when you know the answer.

Putting the GSK_TRACE information in this file is not recommended as it will trace every system SSL call, and to turn it off, you have to stop http, edit the file to say GSK_TRACE=0x00 and restart the server. This article describes how to collect a trace using CTRACE. You can turn trace on and off without restarting the HTTP server.

To format this gsk trace I had to use the following command in Unix Services

gsktrace /u/mqweb3/conf/httpd.gsktrace > gsktrace.txt

Getting a system ssl trace for httpd server on z/OS

I had a problem getting the httpd server to work on z/OS. It did not like my certificate – but reported messages about ICSF security not being set up. I got to learn a lot about traces, but could not find how to trace System SSL (GSK) and httpd.

I specified SSLTRACE in my vhost*.conf file which gave me a little information – but not at the System SSL Level.

Other applications using System SSL, can set environment variables


but this does not work with http. (I think the environment variables are not passed on to any spawned thread).

You have to use the gsksrvr task, and collect the trace through CTRACE.

Set up gsk trace.

I have used gsk trace before, and described setting it up.

I had to create a parmlib member


I start my http server with the S HTTPCP command, and specified httpcp in the jobname of the parmlib.

I got out no trace. I tried the various jobnames until it produced a trace. My trace was produced from jobname httpcp8! I could not find a way of displaying which of my httpcp* job was used, so I had to try them all.

If I had had a long name eg httpcpxx then specifying jobname(httpcpxx) should have worked.

Starting the trace

I used


where my parmlib member was CTGSKOK

It produced

GSK01040I SSL component trace started.

and the CTWTR started up.

What is the status of the trace?

d trace,comp=gsksrvr

gave me

IEE843I 08.32.25  TRACE DISPLAY       
  COMPONENT     MODE BUFFER HEAD SUBS                                  
  GSKSRVR       ON   0064K                                             
     ASIDS      *NOT SUPPORTED*                                        
                HTTPCP5 ,HTTPCP6 ,HTTPCP7                              
     OPTIONS    LEVEL=255                                              
     WRITER     CTWTR                                                  

Run my test

When I ran my test, some System SSL messages were produced on the console from the gsksrvr address space

GSK01047I SSL component trace started for HTTPCP8/STC01000.
GSK01050I SSL component trace started for HTTPCP8/STC01000/05010022.

Stop the trace


Wait until you get

GSK01041I SSL component trace ended.

from the gsksrvr address space, and stop the trace writer.


This seems to take a few seconds to run. It outputs

IEF196I           IBMUSER.CTRACE1 
IEF404I CTWTR - ENDED - TIME=08.40.21                                                                 

Format the trace

You need to use IPCS to format it

  • =0 – and enter the data set name (IBMUSER.CTRACE1)
  • =6 – to get to the ipcs command screen
  • dropd – to tell IPCS to forget any historical information it may know about for the dataset
  • CTRACE COMP(GSKSRVR) full – this displays any System SSL CTRACE data
  • m PF8 – go to the bottom of the data
  • report view – to go into ISPF View mode on the data set
  • X ALL – to hide all of the data
  • f SSL_ERROR ALL – this shows any error codes
  • if you get any lines displayed, you can tab down to the hidden command and use the line prefix command f4 to display the first 4 hidden lines.

The errors I got were

 S0W1      MESSAGE   00000004  08:35:55.049451  SSL_ERROR 
   Job HTTPCP8   Process 05010022  Thread 00000005  crypto_ec_token_private_key_sign 
   ICSF service failure: CSFPPKS retCode = 0x8, rsnCode = 0x2b00 
 S0W1      MESSAGE   00000004  08:35:55.049733  SSL_ERROR 
   Job HTTPCP8   Process 05010022  Thread 00000005  crypto_sign_data 
   crypto_ec_sign_data() failed: Error 0x03353084 
 S0W1      MESSAGE   00000004  08:35:55.050012  SSL_ERROR 
   Job HTTPCP8   Process 05010022  Thread 00000005  construct_tls13_certificate_verify_message 
   Unable to generate certificate verify message: Error 0x03353084 
 S0W1      MESSAGE   00000004  08:35:55.050393  SSL_ERROR 
   Job HTTPCP8   Process 05010022  Thread 00000005  send_tls13_alert 
   Sent TLS 1.3 alert 51 to ::ffff: 

The Alert 51 matches what my browser received.

File /usr/include/gskcms.h had #define CMSERR_ICSF_SERVICE_FAILURE 0x03353084

CSFPPKS is PKCS #11 Private Key Sign.

The return code 0x2b00 (from here) gives:

User action: You might need to re-create the token by using the PKA key token build or PKA key import callable service or regenerate the key values on another platform.

or in other words, it did not like my certificate created with NISTECC SIZE(256) but did like NISTECC SIZE(521).

Getting a trace from ICSF using CTRACE

I had a problem with a certificate and as part of trying to track down the problem, I traced all of the components. I found the documentation for tracing ICSF was not complete – it assumed you were going to take a dump.

You can collect a CTRACE from ICSF, and have it go to a CTRACE dataset.

Create the CTICSFxx member in parmlib

I copied CTICSF00, added the writer statement, and said collect ALL


Turn off the ICSF trace


Start the trace writing started task

See Create a procedure to collect the trace. The same trace writer can be used for all ctrace record.




This gave me


Run your failing transaction

Stop ctrace


This gave


Stop the trace writer


This gave messages

IEF404I CTWTR – ENDED – TIME=07.54.33

Any data is in the dataset.

Go into IPCS.

The instructions below show how to find statements with a non zero return code.

  • =0 – and enter the data set name
  • =6 – to get to the ipcs command screen
  • dropd – to tell IPCS to forget any information it may know about for the dataset
  • CTRACE COMP(CSF) full – this displays any ICSF CTRACE data
  • m PF8 – go to the bottom of the data
  • report view – to go into ISPF View mode on the data set
  • X ALL – to hide all of the data
  • f code all – this shows any error codes
  • c ‘Return code = 00000000 ‘Return ZZZZ = 00000000’ all – use cut and paste of the string, as blanks are lost in this post
  • c ‘Condition code = 00000000’ ‘Condition ZZZZ = 00000000’ all
  • x all
  • f code all – this will show you are statements with a non zero return code.

One minute… what is a digital certificate?

This blog post covers

Why use certificates?

Certificates can be used as an authentication mechanism. It allows identity information to be sent over a network, and the remote end to validate the information before using it. For this to work, we need a “Certificate Authority” who can validate the certificate. When the remote end gets the “certified certificate” it checks the certification and validity and if successful can use this. Checking can involve sending an electronic request to the Certificate Authority asking if the certificate is still valid.

What is a certificate?

A certificate has several components (conceptually I think of a certificate as an envelope with several bits of paper within it).

  • A public key. See One minute explanation of public keys and private keys.
  • Information about the owner, such as name and address or organization
  • Meta information – such as it can be used for document signing (but not certificate signing), and validity dates.
  • Signing information.

Information about the owner

A certificate has information about the “owner”. Common attributes include

  • Common Name CN=Colin Paice
  • Organisation O=My Org
  • Organisational Unit OU=TEST
  • Country C=GB

Meta information.

The certificate contains information on how it should be used. For example

  • This certificate can be used as a server’s certificate – but not as a client certificate.
  • This certificate can be used for signature but not encryption.
  • This certificate can be used to sign other certificate (see below).

A server (or client) could decide to ignore some of these attributes. A proper server will honour the information, and if the client’s certificate does not have the “can be used by a client” attribute set, it will reject the certificate.

How do you trust a certificate?

If you have been sent a certificate – how do you tell if it is genuine? This was one of the problems in the early days of secure communications.

This problem was solved by having an organisation we both trust, and having this organisation “sign” a certificate.

Imagine there is a UK Certificate Authority (UKCA). To get your certificate approved…

  • you take your certificate, your passport, and proof of address to the Certificate Authority (UKCA).
  • A clerk in the CA, checks that the name in your certificate matches your passport, and the address in the certificate matches the proof of address your provided.
  • The clerk can check “the permissions” within your certificate, such as this certificate can/cannot be used as a certificate authority, or can/cannot be used as a server. The CA may not care!
  • The CA take an electronic copy of your certificate and perform a checksum calculation on the contents. If the certificate is changed in any way, the checksum calculation will be a different number.
  • The CA then encrypts the checksum calculation, prints it out, and staples the encrypted value and a copy of the CA’s public certificate to the back of your certificate.
  • The certificate has now been signed by the CA.

You send me a copy of your certificate and attachement created by the CA.

When I get a copy of your certificate (and attachment),

  • I check the CA’s public certificate that you sent me is the same as the copy I already have.
  • I do the same check sum calculation as the CA authority did.
  • I use the CA’s public certificate to decrypt the CA’s encrypted checksum.
  • The two checksum values should match!

If the checksum values match, then I can trust that the information in the certificate is the same as the information you showed to the CA when getting you certificate “signed”. Of course if you provided a fake passport, all I know is that what I see is what the CA saw.

Intermediate CAs and certificate chains

Of course it costs you money to get your certificate signed by a CA. To reduce this cost you can set up your own enterprise Certificate Authority. You create a certificate called CN=MYORGCA, and set the attribute set to allow it to sign other certificates. You take this the the UKCA and get it signed.

When Joe wants his personal certificate signed, he come to you,

  • you check Joe’s corporate ID badge has the same name as in Joe’s certificate
  • you check any other data fits within your enterprise standards, such as expiry date.
  • you use your enterprise CA certificate(CN=MYORGCA) to sign Joe’ certificate.
  • Joe get a package with
    • Joe’s certificate,
    • the checksum from the enterprise signing, and the enterprise public certificate.
    • a copy of the UKCA’s certificate and encrypted checksum for your enterprise’s CA.

When I get Joe’s certificate and attachments.

  • I can see if I have a copy of your enterprise public certificate.
  • No I do not, but I do have a copy of the UKCA public certificate,
  • I validate the your enterprise’s public certificate, using the UKCA certificate
  • If your enterprises public certificate validates successfully, I can then use it to validate Joe’s certificate.

This means I can validate certificates sent to me, as long as I have at least one of the certificates in the chain.

You could take this further and have a departmental CA authority.

Is the certificate still valid?

If someone leaves your organisation you want to ensure that any certificates issued to that person cannot be used.

You can have an expiry date in the certificate, so within a year or two the certificate will expire. This is not good enough, and you want to make the invalidate the certificate as soon as possible. This can be done through an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) attribute in the certificate. Basically this says go and ask the URL if this certificate if it is still valid.
How do you know who to ask? A certificate has url information within in it Authority Information Access: OCSP – URI: . The back end serving the URL is typically an LDAP server.

If you think about this for a few minutes this may not seem a good idea. For every secure connection handshake, you have to issue a query to a remote server somewhere to see if the certificate is still valid. This will seriously affect performance. This was solved by having a “OCSP response valid time”, sent as part of the response from the OCSP server. This known as stapling (I picture this as stapling a valid-until ticket to a certificate). The OCSP server can say “This certificate is valid, and assume it is valid for n hours”. The first time the client uses the certificate it may take longer because of the OCSP checks. For successive requests , the client can then use the certificate without doing any OCSP checks – until the time period has expired.

Do I trust the sender?

A bad actor could have copied the certificate from a valid server, and presented it to the client. The client checks it, and it looks ok, but in reality it came from a bad server.

You can include Subject Alternate Name (or SAN) in the certificate. This is the URL or IP address of the server. When the certificate is sent from the server, the client checks that the IP address of the server is in the list of SANs in the certificate. If it does not match then the certificate is rejected. Example SANs, IP:

If the DNS:name is used, this will also require a connection to a DNS to get back the IP address, which will add time to TLS hand shake to the server.

You should use SAN for the server, but not for the client. A Server will have a fixed, or limited choice of values. A client can get a random IP address and so is unlikely to match a value in the certificate.

One minute explanation of public keys and private keys.

This topic is part of the “one minute” series of posts, which give an overview of a topic with enough information to be able to understand the concepts without going too deep.

You may have a banking application on your phone which you use to communicate with the bank’s server.

Setting up a secure connection

There are several parts to establishing a secure connection:

  • You need to ensure the back-end your application is connecting to is really to your bank – and not a bad actor’s system.
  • The bank needs to check that you are who you say you are – and not a bad actor impersonating you and trying to steal your money.
  • Agree what cipher techniques you will use so a bad actor cannot read your traffic
  • Some integrity techniques so you can be sure what you send to the bank is the same data as received by the bank, and a bad actor has not replaced your traffic with some evil traffic.

All the parts above reply on encryption and decryption

Introduction to encryption and decryption.

The basic concept of encryption is you have plaintext data, a function, and an encryption key. (I think of a sausage machine, into which you plug a specially shaped key). You feed the plaintext data into the function+key and out comes encrypted data.

The basic concept of decryption is to take the encrypted data, pass it through a function and the decryption key, and out comes the original plaintext.

For some encryption, the encryption key is the same as (or similar to) the decryption key. For example Change the letters A -> P, B -> $, C -> 9…. in this case if you have the encryption key, it is easy to determine the decryption key ( P -> A, $ -> B, 9 -> C). This simple technique is not very strong, it is easy to break and find the encryption/decryption key.

There are some mathematical functions that make it very hard to find the inverse key. Even if you know the encryption key – you will not be able to guess the decryption key. (You may not be able to guess, but large governments with limitless computer resources may be able to find the decryption key). These keys tend to be very large numbers with 100’s of digits.

Public and private keys

As described above you have an encryption key, and a different decryption key. Pick one, and make it generally available to the general PUBLIC. Keep the other key very PRIVATE – because anyone with this private key can decrypt the data. Hence PUBLIC and PRIVATE keys.

  • If you have some data and encrypt it with my PUBLIC key. Only someone with my PRIVATE key can decrypt it. Knowing the public key does not allow you to decrypt it.
  • If I have some data, and encrypt with my private key, then anyone with my public key can decrypt it. So what – every one has access to my public key. If my public key decrypts the data you know that it came from me (or someone with my private key). This statement is important; it is worth reading the statement again.

If you have a private/public key pair, and I have a public/private key pair we can do interesting things:

  • I encrypt with my private key, and then encrypt with your public key. Then only you can decrypt it (with your private key), and then you decrypt with my public key – so you know it came from me – and only you can read it.
  • You encrypt with my public key, then your private key. I can decrypt it with your public key (and so I know it came from you), and then I decrypt with my private key to get the original message and I know it came from you. Note: Anyone can tell that you send me a message because they can use your public key to decrypt it, but they cannot see what is inside the message as it is still encrypted.
  • Turn around the encryption. You encrypt with your private key, then my public key. I can decrypt it with my private key and your public key (and so know it came from you). I get the original message and know it came from you. Note: No one can tell who send me the data, as they cannot encrypt it because they do not have my private key.
  • If you understand these concepts you are doing well.

Integrity checking

One use of the private/public keys is for integrity checking:

For a payload, I calculate the checksum (a complex calculation on the data, such that any change to the data will give a different checksum calculation result). I take this checksum value and encrypt it with my private key, and attach it to the data. I send the data and encrypted checksum to you. You do the same calculation. You decrypt the encrypted checkum and it should be the same as your checksum calculation. If they match you know the data came from me, and is what I sent.

A bad actor could intercept the traffic from last week, and replay it this week. The above integrity check would show the data came from me, but not that it was last weeks data. There are other techniques for this.

Parsing command line values

I wanted to pass multiple parameters to a z/OS batch program and parse the data. There are several different ways of doing it – what is the best way ?

This question is complicated by

Checking options

Processing command line options can mean a two stage process. Reading the command line, and then checking to ensure a valid combination of options have been specified.

If you have an option -debug with a value in range 0 to 3. You can either check the range as the option is processed, or have a separate section of checks once all the parameters have been passed. If there is no order requirement on the parameters you need to have separate code to check the parameters. If you can require order to the parameters, you might be able to have code “if -b is specified, then check -a has already been specified

I usually prefer a separate section of code at it makes the code clearer.

Command styles

On z/OS there are two styles of commands

def xx(abc) parm1(value) xyz

or the Unix way

-def -xx abc -parm1 -1 -a –value value1 -xyz.

Where you can have

  • short options “-a” and “-1”
  • long option with two “-“, as in “–value”,
  • “option value” as is “-xx abc”
  • “option and concatenated value” as in “-xyz”; option -x, value yz

I was interested in the “Unix way”.

  • One Unix way is to have single character option names like -a -A -B -0. This is easy to program – but it means the end user needs to lookup the option name every time as the options are not usually memorable.
  • Other platforms (but not z/OS) have parsing support for long names like – -userid value.
  • You can parse a string like ro,rw,name=value, where you have keyword=value using getsubopt.
  • I wrote a simple parser, and a table driven parser for when I had many options.

Defining the parameter string toJCL.

The traditional way of defining a parameter string in batch is EXEC PGM=MYPROG,PARM=’….’ but the parameter is limited in length.

I tend to use

// SET P2="optional"
//S1 EXEC PGM=MYPROG,PARM='parms &P1 &P2'  

You can get round the parameter length limitation using

 -detail 0 
 -debug 0 
 -log "COLINZZZ" 
 -cert d

Where the ‘/’ on its own delimits the C run time options from my program’s options.

The values are start in column 2 of the data. If it starts in column 1, the value is concatenated to the value in the previous line.

You can use JCL and System symbols

 -log "COLINZZZ" 
 -log "&log"

This produced -log COLINZZZ -log “LOG LOG”

Parsing the data

C main programs have two parameters, a count of the number of parameter, and an array of null terminated strings.

You can process these

int main( int argc, char *argv??(??)) 
  int iArg; 
  for (iArg = 1;iArg< argc; iArg ++   ) 
  return 0; 

Running this job

 -debug 0 
 -log "COLIN  ZZZ" 


.COLIN  ZZZ.               

and we can see the string “COLIN ZZZ” in double quotes was passed in as a single string.

Parsing with single character options

C has a routine getopt, for processing single character options like -a… and -1… (but not -name) for example

while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ab:c:")) != -1) 
       switch (opt) { 
       case 'a': 
           printf("-a received\n"); 
       case 'b': 
           printf("-b received \n"); 
           printf("optarg %d\n",optarg); 
           if (optarg) 
             printf("-b received value %s\n",optarg); 
             printf("-b optarg is0       \n"); 
       case 'c': 
           printf("-c received\n"); 
           printf("optarg %d\n",optarg); 
           if (optarg) 
             printf("-c received value %s\n",optarg); 
             printf("-c optarg is0       \n"); 
       default: /* '?' */ 
           printf("Unknown n"); 

The string “ab:c:” tells the getopt function that

  • -a is expected with no option
  • -b “:” says an option is expected
  • -c “:” says an option is expected

I could only get this running in a Unix environment or in a BPXBATCH job. In batch, I did not get the values after the option.

When I used

// PARM='PGM /u/tmp/zos/ -a -b 1 -cc1 '

the output included

-b received value b1
-c received value c1

This shows that “-b v1” and “-cc1” are both acceptable forms of input.

Other platforms have a getopt_long function where you can pass in long names such as –value abc.

getsubopt to parse keyword=value

You can use getsubopt to process an argument string like “ro,rw,name=colinpaice”.

If you had an argument like “ro, rw, name=colinpaice” this is three strings and you would have to use getsubopt on each string!

You have code like

int main( int argc, char *argv??(??)) 
 enum { 
       RO_OPT = 0, 
   char *const token[] = { 
       [RO_OPT]   = "ro", 
       [RW_OPT]   = "rw", 
       [NAME_OPT] = "name", 
   char *subopts; 
   char *value; 

   subopts = argv[1]; 
 while (*subopts != '\0' && !errfnd) { 
   switch (getsubopt(&subopts, token, &value)) { 
     case RO_OPT: 
       printf("RO_OPT specified \n"); 
     case RW_OPT: 
       printf("RW_OPT specified \n"); 
     case NAME_OPT: 
       if (value == NULL) { 
          printf("Missing value for " 
                 "suboption '%s'\n", token[NAME_OPT]); 
         printf("NAME_OPT value:%s\n",value);
         printf("Option not found %s\n",value); 
     }  // switch 
   } // while 

Within this is code

  • enum.. this defines constants RO_OPT = 0 RW_OP = 1 etc
  • char const * token defines a mapping from keywords “ro”,”rw” etc to the constants defined above
  • getsubopt(&subopts, token, &value) processes the string, passes the mapping, and the field to receive the value

This works, but was not trivial to program

It did not support name=”colin paice” with an imbedded blank in it.

My basic command line parser(101)

I have code

for (iArg = 1;iArg< argc; iArg ++   ) 
  // -cert is a keyword with no value it is present or not
  if (strcmp(argv[iArg],"-cert") == 0) 
    function_code = GENCERT    ; 
  //  debug needs an option
  if (strcmp(argv[iArg],"-debug") == 0 
      && iArg +1 < argc) // we have a value 
        iArg  ++; 
        debug = atoi(argv[iArg]); 
    printf("Unknown parameter or problem near parameter %s\n", 
  }   // for outer - parameters 

This logic processes keywords with no parameters such as -cert, and keyword which have a value such as -debug.

The code if (strcmp(argv[iArg],”-debug”) == 0 && iArg +1 < argc) checks to see if the keyword has been specified, and that there is a parameter following it (that is, we have not run off the end of the parameters).

Advanced – table – ize it

For a program with a large number of parameters I used a different approach. I created a table with option name, and pointer to the fields variable.

For example

getStr lookUpStr[] = { 
    {"-debug", &debug     }, 
    {"-type",  &type       }, 
    {(char *) -1,  0} 

You then check each parameter against the list. To add a new option – you just update the table, with the new option, and the variable.

int main( int argc, char *argv??(??)) 
   char * debug = "Not specified"; 
   char * type   = "Not specified"; 
   typedef struct getStr 
      char * name; 
      char ** value; 
   } getStr; 
   getStr lookUpStr[] = { 
       {"-debug", &debug     }, 
       {"-type",  &type       }, 
       {(char *) -1,  0} 
  int iArg; 
  for (iArg = 1;iArg< argc; iArg ++   ) 
   int found = 0; 
   getStr * pGetStr =&lookUpStr[0];
   // iterate over the options with string values
   for (; pGetStr -> name != (char *)  -1; pGetStr ++) 
     // look for the arguement in the table
     if (strcmp(pGetStr ->name, argv[iArg]) == 0) 
       found = 1; 
       iArg ++; 
       if (iArg < argc) // if there are enough parameters
                        // so save the pointer to the data
        *( pGetStr -> value)= argv[iArg] ; 
         printf("Missing value for %s\n", argv[iArg]);       
       break;  // skip the rest of the table
     }  // if (strcmp(pGetStr ->name, argv[iArg]) == 0) 
     if (found > 0) break; 
    } // for (; pGetStr -> name != (char *)  -1; pGetStr ++) 
   if (found == 0) 
   // iterate over the options with int values 
  printf("Debug %s\n",debug); 
  printf("Type  %s\n",type ); 
  return 0; 

This can be extended so you have

getStr lookUpStr[] = { 
    {"-debug", &debug, "char" }, 
    {"-type",  &type ,"int"       }, 
    {(char *) -1,  0, 0} 

and have logic like

if (strcmp(pGetStr ->name, argv[iArg]) == 0) 
       found = 1; 
       iArg ++; 
       if (iArg < argc) // if there are enough parmameters
       if ((strcmp(pGetStr -> type, "char") == 0 
        *( pGetStr -> value)= argv[iArg] ; 
        if ((strcmp(pGetStr -> type, "int ") == 0 )
        *( pGetStr -> value)= atoi(argv[iArg]) ;

You can go further and have a function pointer

getStr lookUpStr[] = { 
    {"-debug", &debug,myint }, 
    {"-loop", &loop  ,myint },  
    {"-type",  &type , mystring  }, 
    {"-type",  &type , myspecial  }, 
    {(char *) -1,  0, 0} 

and you have a little function for each option. The function “myspecial(argv[iarg])” looked up values {“approved”, “rejected”…} etc and returned a number representation of the data.

This takes a bit more work to set up, but over all is cleaner and clearer.