Converting from TCP/IP devices to interfaces

TCP/IP supports devices for IP V4 using statements like




z/OS TCP has said these DEVICE and LINK statements should be converted these to use the INTERFACE statement, because the LINK and DEVICE statements will be withdrawn in a future release.

The interface statement basically merges the DEVICE, LINK and the relevant part of HOME into one INTERFACE statement. You can use Interface statements for IP V4 and IP V6. They are easier to configure and activate than DEVICE and LINK statements

The equivalent interface statement is

    PORTNAME PORTA         

The command can be written on one (or more lines). You can have

; this is a comment 

( Personally I would not; I prefer the command to start in column 1, and following lines indented).

If you name the interface the same as the LINK statement, you will not need to change any routing statements.

The easiest way of implementing the change is to make the change and restart TCP/IP.

The changes you need to make are

  • Replace the DEVICE and LINK statements with the INTERFACE statement
  • Remove the IP address from the HOME
  • Change the START from the port to the interface name

Check it has been defined

After you have restarted TCP/IP

tso netstat home 


Home address list: 
LinkName:   LOOPBACK 
IntfName:   ETH1 
    Flags:  Primary 
IntfName:   LOOPBACK6
  Address:  ::1 
    Type:   Loopback 

The command

tso netstat devlinks 


IntfName: ETH1              IntfType: IPAQENET   IntfStatus: Ready
    PortName: PORTA     Datapath: 0402     DatapathStatus: Ready 
    CHPIDType: OSD            SMCR: Yes 
    PNetID: *None*            SMCD: Yes 
    Speed: 0000001000 
    IpBroadcastCapability: No 
    CfgRouter: Non                   ActRouter: Non 
    ArpOffload: Yes                  ArpOffloadInfo: Yes 
    CfgMtu: None                     ActMtu: 8992 
    VLANid: None                     VLANpriority: Disabled 
    ReadStorage: GLOBAL (4096K) 
    InbPerf: Balanced 
    ChecksumOffload: Unsupported     SegmentationOffload: No 
    SecClass: 255                    MonSysplex: No 
    Isolate: No                      OptLatencyMode: No 
  Multicast Specific: 
    Multicast Capability: Yes 
    Group             RefCnt        SrcFltMd 
    -----             ------        --------         0000000001    Exclude 
      SrcAddr: None 
  Interface Statistics: 
IPv4 LAN Group Summary 
LanGroup: 00001 
  Name              Status      ArpOwner          VipaOwner 
  ----              ------      --------          --------- 
  ETH1              Active      ETH1              Yes 

where interesting fields are

  • IntfName: ETH1 the interface name
  • IntfType: IPAQENET the interface type
  • IntfStatus: Ready the status of the interface
  • PortName: PORTA the port name
  • Datapath: 0402 what device is being used
  • IpAddr: the IP address of the z/OS end of the connection

If you are using DEVICE and LINK the output will have LnkName: ETH1 instead of IntfName: ETH1.

If you are brave…

you can remove the LINK and DEVICE definitions from the active system and activate the INTERFACE, then at a later date, update the TCP/IP configuration file.

You need to

  • stop the existing definition
  • remove the HOST entry for the device
  • delete the DEVICE and LINK from the running configuration
  • activate the interface statement
  • start the interface

Stop the device


You cannot use V TCPIP,TCPIP,STOP,ETH1 because it says device not found.

Remove the HOME entry for the link

Copy the home statements into a file, remove the entry you do not want, then issue the V…OBEY… on that file. This replaces the active HOME entries.

If you use TSO NETSTAT HOME, the IP address should not be present.

Delete the link and device from the active configuration

One you have removed the HOME statements, and TSO NETSTAT HOME does not show any entries for the device, you can create members DELLINK


and member DELDEV


Use the V…OBEY… in turn on each file. You cannot put both commands in one file, as the commands are processed asynchronously and the delete link command may still be executing when the delete device is executed, and then so fail.

The TSO NETSTAT DEVLINKS command should show the link is not in the output.

Activate the interface

Put your interface definition statements into a file and activate it using


My definition defines an interface with name JFPORTCP4.

Start the interface


Test it

TSO NETSTAT HOME should show the IP address, and you should be able to ping it.

You can use TSO NETSTAT DEVLINKS (INTFNAME JFPORTCP4 to display the interface.

Make the change permanent

You will need to:

  • Comment out/remove the PATH and LINK definitions
  • Remove/comment out the IP address and link from the HOME statement
  • Remove the start of the device
  • Add the interface definition. This could be done using an INCLUDE statement
  • Add a start of the interface (or add it to the include file).
  • Use V…OBEY… with the start-up configuration file, or restart TCP/IP
  • Change your documentation!

Configuring sshd server on z/OS

SSH is Secure SHell. It allows you to securely logon to a remote Unix-like shell using OpenSSl.

SSH has little in common with SSL or TSH. For example you cannot keep “certificates” in z/OS keyrings. (The documentation says you can – but it is talking about something else).

SSH uses a different protocol and certificate to TLS – you cannot use TLS certificate for SSH encryption and authentication because they have different formats.

To connect to a server, the server needs to be running a daemon.

I’ve written a blog post on using a client to connect to SSH.

Setting up the SSH Daemon

The SSH daemon runs by default as started task SSHD. I changed the PARM in the JCL to be

//             PARM='PGM /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config ' 
//*            PARM='PGM /bin/sh -c /etc/ssh/' 
//         PATHMODE=(SIRWXU) 
//         PATHMODE=(SIRWXU) 

The original PARM statement attaches the daemon as SSHD3. With my way, the started task is SSHD.

With the original PARM , the WLM classification came up as Workload SERVERS, SvrClass SRVOMVS, with my change the WLM classification was Workload STARTED, SvrClass STCLOM.

General setup

You can specify attributes that apply to all logons, and use theMatch statement to specify attributes which apply to a subset of logons. For example match on server userid, or match on client IP address.

Start the Daemon


Stop the Daemon

Either cancel SSHD, or cancel SSHD3, depending on how you started it.It may not responsd to the Stop command (P SSHD).

Basic configuration

You can display a logon message using

Banner /S0W1/var/log/banner.txt 

You can specify a command that runs when they user logs on.

 ForceCommand  echo "HI ADCDA" 

Listen address and port

You can specify

Port 22
Port 222
ListenAddress host
ListenAddress host:port

How to authenticate

AuthenticationMethods publickey,password publickey,keyboardinteractive

Limit/allow userids or groups

AllowGroups  sys1
DenyGroups   OTHERS
AllowUsers   ADCDA ADCDB
DenyUsers    ADCDC ADCDC

Examples of match

If there are multiple Match statements, then the first applicable one is used.

Match user  ADCDA 
    AuthenticationMethods  publickey 
    Banner /S0W1/var/log/banner.txt 
#   ForceCommand  echo "HI ADCDA" 
Match Address 
    AuthenticationMethods  publickey 
    Banner /S0W1/var/log/banner.txt 

Match Address 
    AllowUsers IBMUSER
    AuthenticationMethods  password 
    Banner /S0W1/var/log/banner.txt2 
#   ForceCommand  echo "HI IBMUSER" 

Debugging startup problems

The SSHD server writes to syslogd. Check the SYSLOGD daemon is active.

Look at the config file for


I got message

EZYFT16E accept error : EDC5122I Input/output error. (errno2=0x74687308)

The Unix command BPXMTEXT 74687308 gave

JrNoDuAvailable: TCP/IP cannot create a dispatchable unit to process the request. Either TCP/IP is not active or there is insufficient common storage available.

I think the error message means the port is in use, SSHD was unable to connect to the port. Check /S0W1/etc/ssh/ssh_config and find the port. It defaults to 22. Check to see if this is active

TSO NETSTAT allcon (port 22

Using SSH to get to z/OS

What is SSH?

SSH is Secure SHell. It allows you to securely logon to a remote Unix-like shell.

SSH has little in common with SSL or TSH. For example you cannot keep “certificates” in z/OS keyrings. (The documentation says you can – but it is talking about something else).

SSH uses a different protocol and certificate to TLS – you cannot use TLS certificate for SSH encryption and authentication because they have different formats.

Basic use

You can issue

ssh colin@

and this will set up a secure session to the host with the userid colin. By default it will prompt for a password.

The first time you set up a connection you get asked for additional information (along the lines of “are you sure you want to connect to this system“). It stores information so it knows when you reuse the address.

To get out of a remote session command prompt use exit .

Configuring the server

Ive written about configuring the SSH Daemon on z/OS, here.

Different ways of using SSH

Entering the ssh command and the password, may be acceptable in many cases. It many cases, such as within a shell script, you do not want to enter the password. There are several ways of doing this

  • Enter the password as part of the ssh command. The command and password can be seen in the history file, and over the shoulder, so is not secure.
  • Store the password in a file, read the file and pass the password to the command. For example use sshpass.
  • Use keys. You create a key on your client machine, copy the key to userid(s) on the server. When you connect with the key, it checks the userid has the same key; if so it does not need a password.
  • Use signed certificates. This make administration much easier (well, different). You create a key, and get an SSH Certificate Authority to generate a certificate which includes your public key, the userids it applies to, and other information such as validity dates. The server has just a copy of CA’s public key. When you send your certificate to the server. the CA’s public key is used to validate it, and use it. The server has no additional work to do.

If you use a pass phrase for a key you have the same problem. How do you enter the passphrase when using a script; so do not specify a pass phrase.

You need to ensure that the password file , passphrase, and key are secure – such as only the owner can read it.

You can store command information in ~/.ssh/config. For example

# simple ssh command
        User colin

# ssh command using certificate and keys
        User ibmuser
        IdentitiesOnly yes
        IdentityFile /home/colinpaice/ssl/ssh/colin.key
        CertificateFile /home/colinpaice/ssl/ssh/

# ssh command for using a key        
Host ss
        User adcda
        IdentitiesOnly yes
        IdentityFile /home/colinpaice/ssl/ssh/colin.selfsigned

If I use

  • ssh it will use the first definition and user colin
  • ssh it will logon to userid ibmuser, use the key in the colin.key, and the (signed) certificate in
  • ssh ss it will logon with userid adcda using the colin.selfsigned file. Userid adcda on the server needs a copy of the colin.selfsigned file.

Using plain ol’ SSH with a password

You need do no special setup for this.

Using keys

You need to create the keys once, then use them in future.

On Linux create the user certificate ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f colin1 this creates files

  • colin1
  • colin1pub This contains data like ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nz…OeHB colinpaice@colinpaice

You need to copy the .pub file to the server. You can use

ssh-copy-id  -i ibmuser@

to copy the public key to the userid (ibmuser). It will prompt for the userid’s password.

If you want to be able to logon to multiple userids issue the command for each userid.

With this you will not need a password to logon to the server. You may have entered the password as part of the ssh-copy-id command, or copied the file to the userid, so it assumes you have access to the userids’ files.

Note: even if you change the password on the server, you can still logon using the key.

To stop someone(ibmuser) using the key – remove it from the /u/ibmuser/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server. There could be several lines in the file. At the end of each line in the file is client userid@system. For my client it was colinpaice@colinpaice .

On the client, you can list the keys in ~/.ssh/known_hosts2 that a client has for a server using

ssh-keygen -F

where is the server name.

Using certificates

When you create a certificate the key is signed by the CA. You can also add information such as validity dates, and add a list of userids this certificate can be used for with no password. I think this is a security exposure, as when you sign the certificate you give a list of userid. This action is out of the control of the z/OS systems programmer.

Even if you change the password on the back end, the logon will work – unless the userid is revoked.

Wikibooks has a good article on certificates.

Logically there are three machines involved in this

  1. An isolated machine, which has the CA private certificate. Certificates are sent to this machine for signing and returning.
  2. My client machine – for me this is running Ubuntu Linux.
  3. The server machine – this is z/OS

The steps I took were

  • On the isolated CA machine create a Certificate Authority. The command ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/user_ca_key -C ‘User Certificate Authority for *’ created files
    • /home/colinpaice/.ssh/
    • /home/colinpaice/.ssh/user_ca_key
  • On z/OS I created the file /etc/ssh/ and copied the file from Linux into it – Using cut and paste.
  • Make the z/OS file universal read
    • chmod 644 /etc/ssh/
  • On z/OS update /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add the following (to point to the file):
    • TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/trusted_user_ca_key
  • On z/OS restart SSHD
    • C SSHD3
    • S SSHD
  • On Linux create the user certificate ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f colin.key. This creates files
    • colin.key
    • This contains data like ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nz…OeHB colinpaice@colinpaice
  • Send the .pub file to the CA machine
  • On the CA machine issue ssh-keygen -s ~/.ssh/user_ca_key -I ‘colin’log -z ‘0002’ -n colin,joe Where
    • -I colinlog this is the value which is logged. For example on z/OS, when using the certificate; the SSHD log file had
      • Sep 10 13:11:40 S0W1 sshd[50397213]: Accepted certificate ID “colinlog” (serial 0) signed by ED25519 CA SHA256:s…TA via /etc/ssh/
    • -z ‘0002’ you can specify a serial number, or omit this
    • -n colin,joe a list of userids within the certificate. If you want to logon to z/OS userid userid colin or joe you will not be asked for a password.
  • This creates Send this file back to the requester.
  • Connect to z/OS. On Linux
    • ssh -o -i colin.key colin@
  • You can store the configuration information in ~/.ssh/config
User colin
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile /home/colinpaice/ssl/ssh/colin.key
CertificateFile /home/colinpaice/ssl/ssh/


  • Host is the nickname
  • Hostname is the address to use
  • User is the userid to logon to at the remote machine (z/OS)
  • IdentityFile is the private key for my Linux userid
  • CertificateFile is the signed certificate sent to the server.

You can then use ssh which will pick up the other parameters from the .ssh/config file.

This will get you into a OMVS session. Use exit to leave.

Configuring RSEAPI on z/OS to use TLS

The RSEAPI server is the Apache Tomcat server plus RSEAPI specific stuff. If you know how to configure Tomcat, you know most of what you need. The Tomcat customising is documented here.

This post follows on from Getting REST to work into z/OS. I was unclear at first how to correctly specify overrides. I’ve blogged an article Passing parameters to Java program to show how some parameters are specified as RSEAPI_KEYSTORE_FILE=… and other parameters are specified as -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=…

See Java Parameters for how I configured RSEAPI to be able to flip configuration options.

Update your level of Java

I had various problems getting TLS to work with RSEAPI.

  • TLSv1.3 was not supported on the level of Java V8 I originally had.
  • I had to override the /etc/zexpl/ file so that it understood keyrings of the format safkeyring://START1/MQRING

When I refreshed the level of Java (to SR8 FP6 dated June 2023), things worked much better. I would recommend getting a level of Java shipped within the last year.

I tested this by changing rseapi.env to include

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lpp/java/new/J8.0_64" 
export LIBPATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin/classic:"$LIBPATH 
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:"$PATH 

Without this I got various Java problems, such as an unresolved dependency.

Getting RSE to work with TLS was not trivial

The original version of RSEAPI was v1.0.5 (see /usr/lpp/IBM/rseapi/tomcat.base/bin/current_version.txt) Another version is available in GITHUB with a version of v1.1.0 created 7 July 2022 which I worked with.

TLS configuration changes

RSEAPI supports only one port. To use TLS change the procedure to use SECURE=’true’, (or override it at startup).

The RESAPI proc has the location of the configuration files. Mine says /etc/zexpl.

The main file to edit is /etc/zexpl/rseapi.env . The sample has a lot of commented out statements. I added at the bottom


Which server certificate to use?

By default, the first key read from the keystore will be used. See certificateKeyAlias in Apache Tomcat configuration.

To change this I edited /usr/lpp/IBM/rseapi/tomcat.base/conf/sserver.xml and added

 <Connector port="${port.http}" protocol="${http.protocol}" 

I then edited /etc/zexpl/rseapi.env and added

d3=" -DserverCert=NISTECCTEST" 
JAVA_OPTS="$d3 " 
export JAVA_OPTS 

Using TLSv1.3

I blogged configuring Java to support TLSV1.3 a separate post TLS 1.3, Java and z/OS.

The additional RSEAPI specific configuration was


You can use RSEAPI_SSL_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS=TLSv1.3,TLSV1.2 to get both TLS 1.2 and 1.3 support.

ClientAuth Support

The web browser (Tomcat) has support for requiring clients to specify a certificate as part of the TLS handshake.

I got this to work by editing /usr/lpp/IBM/rseapi/tomcat.base/conf/sserver.xml, and changing clientAuth=”false” to clientAuth=”{$clientAuth}”

<Connector port="${port.http}" protocol="${http.protocol}" 
     clientAuth="${clientAuth}" sslProtocol="TLS" 

and setting the value to “required” or specifying the value in the startup options:

JAVA_OPTS=" $d1 $t1 $t2" 
export JAVA_OPTS 

The …trustStoreType and … trustStore provide the defaults if non are specified in the sserver.xml.

Use of keystore and trust store

The use of a trust store to store the CA certificates, and any self signed certificates is recommended. The keystore then contains just the private keys needed by the server. This means you can have one trust store per LPAR, which saves administratio.

If you use a combined trust key and trust store, and this is shared by applications, then applications may get access to private certificates used by other application, so is not as secure.

The tomcat documentation describes the truststore* parameters. These are in the in <Connector…. within file /usr/lpp/IBM/rseapi/tomcat.base/conf/sserver.xml .

For example

       <Certificate type="EC" 

and specify -Dxx where xx is the value in ${xx} such as -DtrustStoreType=”JCERACFKS” . You can hard code the values.

Setup problems

I had a variety of problems. Most were solved by going to a newer level of Java or RSEAPI. For example earlier versions did not support TLSv1.3

Authority issue

I got the message

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The private key of NEWTECCTEST is not available or no authority to access the private key

This was caused by the certificate belonged to a userid START1, but I was running RSEAPI on userid STCRSE. For userid STCRSE to be able to access the private certificate part of the certificate of another userid’s certificate, the STCRSE userd need UPDATE access to the keyring profile.

My keyring was safkeyring://START1/MQRING. I needed

permit START1.MQRING.LST   class(RDATALIB) access(update) id(STCRSE)
setropts raclist(rdatalib) refresh

Getting REST to work into z/OS with RSEAPI

I was asked if there was a REST API into z/OS, to enable a Python program to work with z/OS files.

The answer is yes, and it is pretty easy to set up and get working.

z/OS Explorer and z/OS ZOWE, have a REST interface into z/OS. For example with z/OS explorer you can use the VS Code to edit files on z/OS.

You can just use the server; you do not have to use z/OS explorer or ZOWE.

Remote System Explorer API (RSEAPI) is some RSEAPI specify code on top of Apache Tomcat web server. The customising is documented here.

See Configuring RSEAPI on z/OS to use TLS.

List of topics

Which program/stc to use?

I found two Remote System Explorer (RSE) servers on my z/OS

  • RSED (dated on my system 2016)
  • RSEAPI (dated on my system 2020).

RSED used an internal interface, and is there for backwards compatibility.

RSEAPI is strategic with a REST API. It uses the Apache Tomcat Java web server.

The notes below are how I got RSEAPI to work on z/OS, and run my REST request into z/OS. I was running on z/PDT where the product was installed in HUH100.* libraries, but the system was only partially configured.

There are at least two versions of RSEAPI.

  1. v1.0.5 from 2021 only support Java V8 – and you should use a recent fix pack for Java.
  2. v1.1.0 from 2022 supports Java V8 and Java V11. You should use recent fix packs for these, as earlier ones do not have the latest TLS support.

I found it easier to use a current level of Java.

Basic setup

Mount the file system

The REST server is started with the RSEAPI started task.

The file system was not mounted. Use the TSO command

mount filesystem('HUH100.ZFS') mountpoint('/usr/lpp/IBM/rseapi/')       
type(ZFS) mode(read)

You can update your BPXPRMxx to include the same statements.


The set up had mostly been done on my system, I just had to start it.

S RSEAPI,SECURE='false'       

SECURE=’false’ says do not use TLS.

This starts several subtasks, including Java. It took over 1 minute for it to accept a connection and over 200 seconds before it was fully up, and able to respond to requests. The time to start is typical of starting a Java Server on my little z/OS running on zPDT on my Linux machine. On real hardware it takes just seconds so I’ve been told.

Once it had started the response time was ok.

Stopping RSEAPI

Within the STDOUT from the RSEAPI was

Registering MVS Console Listener for job RSEAPI6   

To stop RSEAPI you have to use “P RSEAPI6”. Once Java had started successfully, it took less than 30 seconds to shut down. If Java was still starting up, it will not shutdown until Java has finished starting, so I tended to cancel the RSEAPI job (cancel RSEAPI6).

Changing the configuration

While exploring RSEAPI, I needed to change the configuration, for example using Java shared classes to improve start up time.

Some configuration is done using RSE specific environment variables in /etc/zexpl/rseapi.env, such as

RSE specific parameters


The level of Java

I changed the level of Java using

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lpp/java/new/J8.0_64" 
export LIBPATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin/classic:"$LIBPATH 
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:"$PATH 

Java parameters

I added some Java specific parameters.

d1=" -verbose:dynload,class " 
d2=" -Dlog.level=INFO "                                                                                
JAVA_OPTS=" $d1 $d2  " 
export JAVA_OPTS 

I built up a big list of variables and added them to the JAVA_OPTS, for example

JAVA_OPTS= “$d1 $d2 $d3 $p1 $p2” .

In the above example d1 is blank, and is not passed to Java. If I reorder the two d1 statements I can easily change the configuration, and later change it back again.

Reading the error logs

I had various problems getting TLS working. One hiccup was that Java writes error messages to //STDERR – in ASCII! and so is not easily read. I changed this to

//STDERR   DD PATH='/var/zexpl/logs/rseapi_6800.1/stderr',                   
//            PATHOPTS=(OWRONLY,OCREAT,OTRUNC),         
//            PATHMODE=SIRWXU

Normally this file is empty. You can use date and time in the file name

// SET PATH='/var/zexpl/logs/rseapi_6800.1' 
//            PARM='PGM &HOME./tomcat.base/' 

To look at the output I used the omvs command

oedit /var/zexpl/logs/rseapi_6800.1/

which lists the contents of the directory, then used E to edit stderr – it displays EBCDIC text, or EA to display the file in ASCII – for the Java stuff.

The TLS support writes messages to the same (/var/zexpl/logs/rseapi_6800.1/) directory. Files have format description.yyyy-mm-dd

The files of interest

  • catalina.2023-08-07 has information from Java about problems with TLS.
  • localhost_access.2023-08-07 shows the request and the return code such as “GET /rseapi/api/v1/datasets/COLIN.D%2A/list HTTP/1.1″ 401 437

Enhanced startup messages

By specifying


I got useful information in stderr and catalina….log files. For example

Server version name:   Apache Tomcat/10.0.23 
Server built:          Jul 14 2022 08:16:11 UTC 
Server version number: 
OS Name:               z/OS 
OS Version:            02.04.00 
Architecture:          s390x 
Java Home:             /Z24C/usr/lpp/java/J8.8_64/J8.0_64 
JVM Version:  - pmz6480sr8fp6-20230601_01(SR8 FP6) 
JVM Vendor:            IBM Corporation 
CATALINA_BASE:         /u/ibmuser/aaa/tomcat.base 
CATALINA_HOME:         /u/ibmuser/aaa/tomcat.home 
Command line argument: -Duser.dir=/S0W1/tmp 
Command line argument: -Dlog.level=FINER 

Using the browser interface

The URL displays a Swagger page, where you can try out the different commands, for example list dataset names, or display a member.

  • http: because I have not enabled https yet
  • is the address of my z/OS image
  • 6800 is the port
  • /rseapi/api-docs/ is the URL to display the swagger documentation.

This gave me

Expand the MVS Datasets and it gives a list of option, including

I expanded the GET to get all dataset names matching the filter. I clicked on Try it out. I entered a High Level Qualifier, and selected execute. The first time the session issues a request it prompts for userid and password. It returns with the data about my data sets, and the strings

This is the information I need to issue a curl request.

For one of the operations I got

HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorized

This is because the userid using the service did not have a R/W home directory. I sometimes got

/u/.rseapi CL(DIRACC ) FID(…)

Using the curl interface.

I used the shell script

curl $trace  --config  curlapi.config $url --user "colin:xxxxxxxx" 

and the configuration file curlapi.config

--header "accept: application/json"
--header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
--header "Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8"
--header "Connection: keep-alive"

or combining them

head='--header "accept: application/json"  '
head2='--header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"'
head3='--header "Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8" '
head4='--header "Connection: keep-alive" '
curl $trace  --user "colin:xxxxxxxx"  $head $head2 $head3 $head4 $url

The output body was

{"items": [{
  "migrated": false
* Connection #5 to host left intact

This took about 2 seconds to process one file name. It took 7 seconds to process 300 file names.

Processing multiple requests from CURL

There is an overhead setting up the connection. You can issue multiple requests from CURL, so this connection is done once, and is faster than doing multiple CURL requests.

The examples below are for TLS session

I used a shell script

tls="--cert  ./$name.pem:password --key $name.key.pem --cacert doczosca.pem --tlsv1.2" 
user='--user colin:xxxxxxx'
curl $trace -X $post $tls  --config  curlapi.config $user -H@curlapi.headers


Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Authorization: Basic Y29saW46cFFu3Gh2MDI=
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: keep-alive
Dnt: 1
Pragma: no-cache


This has the two requests – with a different URL. The -o directs the output to a file

url = ""

url = ""

The script ran and created COLIN.LIST and ADCD.LIST.

Using Python to issue a REST request

The Python code below issues two requests.

home = "/home/colinpaice/ssl/ssl2/"
# url=""

buffer = BytesIO()
c = pycurl.Curl()
  c.setopt(c.URL, "")
  c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
  c.setopt(pycurl.CAINFO, ca)
  c.setopt(pycurl.CAPATH, "") 
  c.setopt(pycurl.SSLKEY, key)
  c.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERT, cert)
  c.setopt(pycurl.SSLKEYPASSWD , "password") 
  c.setopt(c.HEADERFUNCTION, header_function)
  c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ['Accept: application/json'])
  c.setopt(c.USERPWD, 'colin:xxxxxxxx')
  c.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, True)
  body = buffer.getvalue()
# now a second one 
  c.setopt(c.URL, "*/list")
  body = buffer.getvalue()
except Exception as e:
  print("exception :",e  )

This gave the data in JSON format. The c.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, True) gave

C= <pycurl.Curl object at 0x55cc87355170>
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 6800 (#0)
* found 1 certificates in /home/colinpaice/ssl/ssl2/doczosca.pem
* found 0 certificates in 
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* SSL connection using TLS1.2 / ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
*   server certificate verification OK
*   server certificate status verification SKIPPED
*   common name: (matched)
*   server certificate expiration date OK
*   server certificate activation date OK
*   certificate public key: EC/ECDSA
*   certificate version: #3
*   start date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT
*   expire date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 23:59:59 GMT
*   issuer: O=COLIN,OU=CA,CN=DocZosCA
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server auth using Basic with user 'colin'

Which may be useful when trying to debug TLS problems.

CEE3501S The module was not found.

Running some Python programs on z/OS I got the above error when using Python 11.

If seems that when the C code was compiled, an option (which I cannot find documented) says make it downward compatible.

The fix is easy…

The command ls -ltr /u/ibmuser/python/v3r11/lib/libpython* gave

-rwxr-xr-x ... Jul 15 12:09 /u/ibmuser/python/v3r11/lib/                     
lrwxrwxrwx ... Sep 6 12:11  /u/ibmuser/python/v3r11/lib/ ->   

What’s ever done for us?

I could not find any documentation on what the Java command option provides. In this blog post I enabled it an give examples of the output.

The command


lists all of the options

all           turn on all debugging 
access        print all checkPermission results 
certpath      PKIX CertPathBuilder and 
              CertPathValidator debugging 
combiner      SubjectDomainCombiner debugging 
              GSS LoginConfigImpl debugging 
configfile    JAAS ConfigFile loading 
configparser  JAAS ConfigFile parsing 
jar           jar verification 
logincontext  login context results 
jca           JCA engine class debugging 
policy        loading and granting 
provider      security provider debugging 
pkcs11        PKCS11 session manager debugging 
              PKCS11 KeyStore debugging 
sunpkcs11     SunPKCS11 provider debugging 
scl           permissions SecureClassLoader assigns 
ts            timestamping 
The following can be used with access: 
stack         include stack trace 
domain        dump all domains in context 
failure       before throwing exception, dump stack 
              and domain that didn't have permission 
thread        include the thread name 
The following can be used with stack and domain: 
              only dump output if specified permission 
              is being checked 
              only dump output if specified codebase 
              is being checked 
              only dump output if the specified name
              matches the permission getName() 
              only dump output if the specified actions 
              matches the permission getActions() 
The following can be used with provider: 
              only dump output for the specified list 
              of JCA engines. Supported values: 
              Cipher, KeyAgreement, KeyGenerator, 
              KeyPairGenerator, KeyStore, Mac, 
              MessageDigest, SecureRandom, Signature. 
Note: Separate multiple options with a comma  

It works with the -Dlog.level option. For example with


It gives information like

04-Sep-2023 08:16:32.820 FINER [main] ENTRY
04-Sep-2023 08:16:32.832 FINER [main] RETURN SHA-256

This is a request to return the algName and it returns the value SHA-256 ENTRY START1 MQRING null ENTRY START1 MQRING key = NEWTECCTEST ENTRY {NEWTECCTEST=[B@be879fff [B@358 ENTRY [B@d6d840cb IBMJCE 

=certpath -Dlog.level=FINER

certpath: Constraints: MD2 
certpath: Constraints: MD5 
certpath: Constraints: RSA keySize < 1024 
certpath: Constraints.permits(): SHA-256, [ 
  Variant: generic 
  Certs Issued by Anchor: 
    Cert Issuer: CN=IBM Java Security CA, OU=IBM Java Security, O=IBM Corporation, C=US 
    Cert Subject: CN=IBM Java Security CA, OU=IBM Java Security, O=IBM Corporation, C=US 
    Cert Issuer: CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, ST=New Jersey, C=US 
    Cert Subject: CN=Sectigo RSA Time Stamping CA, O=Sectigo Limited, L=Salford, ST=Greater Manchester, C=GB 
  Key: RSA 
  Key: RSA 
  Timestamp: Tue Jan 31 18:30:31 GMT+01:00 2023 

=pkcs11,pkcs11keystore -Dlog.level=FINER

 FINER [main] KeyStoreDelegator.engineLoad Loaded a keystore in JKS format 

=jca -Dlog.level=FINER

ProviderConfig: Loading provider: 
ProviderConfig: Loaded provider IBMJSSE2 version 1.8 
ProviderConfig: Loading provider: 

=provider -Dlog.level=FINER

Provider: IBMJSSE2.putService(): IBMJSSE2: TrustManagerFactory.IbmX509 ->$b.
Provider: Set BootstrapProvider provider property [KeyFactory.RSA/]
Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-384 algorithm from: BootstrapProvider
Provider: KeyStore.JCERACFKS type from: IBMJCE   

Then for each session that connected

Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-256 algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-256 algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-256 algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-256 algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-256 algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-256 algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: KeyPairGenerator.EC algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-256 algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: MessageDigest.SHA-256 algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: KeyPairGenerator.EC algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: Signature.SHA384withECDSA signing algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: SecureRandom.NativePRNG algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: Signature.SHA384withECDSA signing algorithm from: IBMJCE 
Provider: SecureRandom.NativePRNG algorithm from: IBMJCE 

=logincontext -Dlog.level=FINER

This produced no trace output. I expect this is because the Java logincontext was not used by Apache Tomcat.

=configparser -Dlog.level=FINER


How to take (and process) a RACF GTF trace with Java

When trying to resolve a certificate problem in a Java program, see here, I tried unsuccessfully to take a RACF trace to see what calls were being issued, and what reason codes were being returned.

The RACF GTF had no entries for the Java program!

Start RACF trace

My started task was called OZUSRV4. I had to specify a jobname to RACF trace of OZUSRV4* because Java spawns address spaces, and it was a spawned address space that did all of the Java work. If your started task is 8 characters long – just specify the 8 character name.

The trace command was the RACF SET TRACE command, where # is my RACF subsystem recognition character.


Where type(41) is for IRRSDL00 which performs the R_datalib, keyring processing.

Start GTF

R 1,trace=usrp
R 2,USR=(F44) 
R 4,U 

Run the test

I ran my started task, and stopped the RACF trace

#set list

The output of the #set list command included

TRACE OPTIONS                   - NOIMAGE                                    
                                - NOAPPC                                     
                                - NOSYSTEMSSL                                
                                - NORRSF                                     
                                - NORACROUTE                                 
                                - NOCALLABLE                                 
                                - NOPDCALLABLE                               
                                - NODATABASE                                 
                                - NOGENERICANCHOR                            
                                - NOASID                                     
                                - JOBNAME                                    
                                - NOCLASS                                    
                                - NOUSERID                                   
SUBSYSTEM USERID                - START1                                     

So the traces are off…. but it still has a reference to OZUSVR4 – strange.

Process the GTF file.

I used IPCS to look at the GTF file

  • =0 and specify the GTF file name
  • =6 dropd to drop any saved status from last time that dataset was used
  • gtf usr(all) It displays the output in an editor like window.
  • report view displays it in ISPF editor, view mod.
  • You can the do things like
    • x all
    • f ‘RACF Reason code’ all

To display the records with non zero return codes.

The output is very chatty – and it was hard to find the data I wanted from data with a hex dump of the string “OFFSET” etc. For example

Trace Identifier:             00000036                           
Record Eyecatcher:            RTRACE                             
Trace Type:                   OMVSPRE                            
Ending Sequence:              ........                           
Calling address:              00000000  79403A2D                 
Requestor/Subsystem:          ........  ........                 
Primary jobname:              OZUSVR44                           
Primary asid:                 00000035                           
Primary ACEEP:                00000000  008FC8A0                 
Home jobname:                 OZUSVR44                           
Home asid:                    00000035                           
Home ACEEP:                   00000000  008FC8A0                 
Task address:                 00000000  008CF298                 
Task ACEEP:                   00000000  00000000                 
Time:                         DDD4C11D  776E2A40                 
Error class:                  ........                           
Service number:               00000029                           
RACF Return code:             00000000                           
RACF Reason code:             00000000                           
Return area address:          00000000  00000000                 
Parameter count:              0000002B    
Area length:                  00000008                                                                                
Area value:                                                                                                  
D6C6C6E2  C5E30050                               | OFFSET.&                         |  
Area length:                  00000007                                                                                
Area value:                                                                                                           
06E2E3C1  D9E3F1                                 | .START1                          |  

I wrote a REXX exec which post processes the output and removes what I think is irrelevant data.

An example of what I think is useful is below. Non zero return codes have ! in column 1

! Return code: 00000008 8 
! Reason code: 00000004 4  4 Parameter list error occurred. 
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
! Return code: 00000008 8 
! Reason code: 0000002C 44 44 No certificate found with the specified status 
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Area value: 
00000050  10AFC67C  ...
  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Area value:          | .START1                          | 
06E2E3C1  D9E3F1                                                
Area value:          | .MQRING                          | 
06D4D8D9  C9D5C7                                                

You can download the rexx exec from

You need to upload it to a CLIST available to ISPF.

Solving certificate problems in Java on z/OS

I spent many any hour trying to understand why z/OSMF was getting a message saying certificate not found in keyring, when it was always there when I checked it.

I tried Java trace options but they did not help. I have my own Java program, and that gave me a message from IRRSDL00 (the callable service to access keyrings). But when I did a RACF GTF trace to get see what was going on I got no entries in the trace. Weird. Once I solved the problems, the solution was obvious.

My Java program reported The private key of NEWTECCTEST is not available or no authority to access the private key

z/OSMF report

[ERROR ] CWPKI0024E: The NISTECCTEST certificate alias specified by the attribute serverKeyAlias is either not found in KeyStore safkeyring://START1/MQRING or it is invalid.

The problem and the solution

The message The private key … is not available or no authority to access the private key. Has a hint as to the problem. The documentation is hidden away. It was not as bad as

It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”

but it is not easy to find. It says

Applications can call the R_datalib callable service (IRRSDL00) to extract the private keys from certain certificates after they have access to the key ring. A private key is returned only when the following conditions are met:

  1. For RACF real key rings:
    • User certificates An application can extract the private key from a user certificate if the following conditions are met:
      • The certificate is connected to the key ring with the PERSONAL usage option.
      • One of the following two conditions is true:
        • The caller’s user ID is the user ID associated with the certificate if the access to the key ring is through the checking on IRR.DIGTCERT.LISTRING in the FACILITY CLASS, or
        • The caller’s user ID has READ or UPDATE authority to the <ringOwner>.<ringName>.LST resource in the RDATALIB class. READ access enables retrieving one’s own private key, UPDATE access enables retrieving other’s.

I had a keyring START1.MQRING and the start task userid had read access to it. Within the keyring was the certificate NISTECCTEST owner by userid START1. The started task userid needs UPDATE access to the keyring to be able to access the private key belonging to a different userid.

Reasons for “not found” reason code

Under the covers the callable server IRRSDL00 is called. The reason code are documented here. You might get SAF return code 8, RACF return code 8, RACF reason code 44.

  • The certificate was not in the keyring
  • It was NOTRUST
  • It had expired
  • The CA for the certificate was not in the keyring,
  • The userid did not have update access to the keyring when there are private certificates from other userids.