Sending an email from z/OS

This started off as a question to me about TLS certificates and ended up with a Python solution.

The short version of this blog post is I could send an email to Gmail using Python – but could not use the IBM CSSMTP solution because it does not support authentication. I was also sent a link to Sending Email from z/OS using Java.

As far as I can tell, SMTP authentication does not use client certificates. If you want to use userid and password, make sure the session is encrypted using TLS.

What types of email are there?

Through JES spool

On my system with id S0W1, I can use TSO XMIT S0W1.IBMUSER and send an email.

The recipient (IBMUSER) can use TSO receive to read the email.

You can use XMIT OVERTHER.MYID to send the email over NJE to other system, such as z/OS, z/VM and z/VSE. You say (on z/OS) xmit node.userid da(‘…’). or xmit node.userid . The JES2 configuration has an IP address and port to send it to a remote spool.

JES2 destinations

You can configure destinations on JES2, and have program (“a writer”) process the node name (destination) data.

You can display the defined destinations using the JES2 command


Example JCL to write to a destination,

//SYSUT1 DD * 

This writes the data from SYSUT1 to SYOUT2 which goes to nodename MYDEST.

You configure CSSMP and specify ExtWrtName MYDEST, for CSSMTP to read from.


There is Simple Mail Transport Protocol. A stream of data is provided such as

Blah blah blah. 

which is sent to the mail server over TCPIP (usually port 25 or 587).

SMTP is a popular protocol. It can support encrypted session encryption. The protocol can support different levels of authorisation.

z/OS provides CSSMTP which reads from the spool and sends the data over TCPIP to a server. However CSSMTP does not seems to support the passing of authentication information to the server – and as most mail servers want you to authenticate before sending emails – CSSMTP cannot be used for these. I know this from the documentation because the AUTH command is not listed in the list of supported SMTP commands, and AUTH does not work!

Using Python to send an email.

I used Python to send an email to my Gmail account. The script I used is

import smtplib 
import ssl 
import sys 
from email.mime.text import MIMEText 
host = "" 
sender = '' 
receivers = ['',''] 
msg = MIMEText('This is test mail2') 
msg['Subject'] = 'Test mail3' 
msg['From'] = '' 
msg['To'] =' ,' 
with smtplib.SMTP(host , 587) as server: 
      # if you need to validate the certificate sent to client.. you need a context
      # server.starttls() # for servers that do not send a certificate 
      print(server.esmtp_features) # print info about the connection such as auth types
      server.login('', 'abcpasswordxyz') 
      server.sendmail(sender, receivers, msg.as_string()) 
      print("Successfully sent email") 
  • context=ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH,cafile=”pem.pem”) is used to set up the CA cert for verifying any certificate sent from the server. GMAIL does not send a certificate, so the CA is not needed, and you can use server.starttls()
  • server.starttls(context=context) creates the TLS session. This is handled by PAGENT.
  • server.login(‘’, ‘ZYC123….’) does the authentication
  • server.sendmail(sender, receivers, msg.as_string()) sends the message.

The id in the sender must match the id in the login.

This does not use PAGENT or AT-TLS.

In the TLS handshake 57 cipher specs were sent to the server, and cipher spec TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0xC02B) was used.

Setting up CSSMTP

Basic configuration

Even though I could not use CSSMTP because I could not authenticate, I learned a lot on my doomed journey.

In the CSSMTP configuration I had

ExtWrtName    MYDEST             # the external writer name 
   TargetIp aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd      # This IP address 
  # TargetName  
   ConnectPort   25              # port to connect to target server 
   Secure        Yes             # Transport Layer Security (TLS) 

Each CSSMTP instance reads from one nodeName and sends to one server. If you want to support more nodeNames you need more CSSMTP instances.


As part of the TLS handshake, some servers will send down a certificate (to authenticate the server).

If your TLS provider, such as AT-TLS, uses keyrings, you need to import certificate into RACF, and connect the CA certificate to the keyring. Your keyring needs the CA for this certificate. You can get the servers certificate from the network flow, or from an openssl command.

If you are not using keyrings, for example Python uses openssl, you need the certificate in a file in Unix Services.

Getting my z/OS client to talk to a remote server over TLS

I looked into this because someone asked me about using the mail client on z/OS talking to a mail server somewhere in the internet.

My z/OS running on zPDT under Linux did not have a working connection to the outside world.

Configuring Linux to pass the z/OS traffic to the external network.

A ping to the server, got no response back.

Using Wireshark on the wireless connection, I could see my request from z/OS coming via Linux and going to the outside network. The source IP address was – a “local only” address, and so the server could not send a response back to me.

The routing through Linux worked because I had a default route; ip route gave me

default via dev wlxd037450ab7ac proto dhcp metric 600 dev eno1 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 via dev eno1 proto static metric 100 dev tap0 proto kernel scope link src 

To get the “right” IP address passed to the external network, was surprisingly easy. It was documented in the zPDT book.

I created a script

echo ‘Your firewall must be enabled for this command to be meaningful’
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -F FORWARD
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlxd037450ab7ac -j MASQUERADE
# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3270 -j ACCEPT

and used sudo to execute it.

I started the firewall

sudo ufw status
sudo ufw enable

I could then successfully ping the address

When I used Wireshark on the connection between Linux and z/OS, the source IP address was When I used Wireshark on the wireless connection between Linux and the external network, the IP address was This shows the effect of the iptables commands, it changed the to a – and back again on the replies.

Getting the server’s certificate

I configured the AT-TLS definitions, for TLS support, specifying the choice of cipher specs I wanted to be used, and specified the keyring.

My z/OS client connected to the remote server. I could see the “client hello” flow, and the “server hello” response. In the server hello flow were the CA certificates the server supported. The client validates the certificates by checking the client’s key store.

I did not have the matching CA certificate in my keystore, and so my client failed to validate the certificate sent down, and the connection ended.

I could do it properly, and get the certificate from the official source for the server, but this was a test system, and I was happy to trust what was sent down in the handshake.

You can use wireshark or openssl to get the certificate

With openssl

openssl s_client -showcerts -tls1_2 -starttls smtp -connect | sed -ne ‘/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p’

You’ll need to interupt it (Ctrl-C) and paste the data into a file (google.pem)

You can display the contents of the certificate using

openssl x509 -in google.pem -text -noout|less

With Wireshark

display the certificates in the Server Hello flow.

right click on the certificate and use right click, export packet bytes. I created a file user.crt. This is a binary file.

The openssl command (on Linux)

openssl x509 -inform der -in user.crt -text > usercert.pem

displays the file in .pem format.

Put the certificate into the keyring

If you are using something that needs a keyring, you need to import the certificate into RACF and connect it to a keyring. If you are using something that uses openssl, such as Python, you need a .pem file in Unix Services.

I created a file on z/OS (VB) COLIN.USERCERT.PEM, and copied the .pem file into it (between and including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines).

I imported it, and connected it to my keyring using

//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                           
//SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=*                                           
//SYSTSIN DD *                                                   
RACDCERT ADD('COLIN.USERCERT.PEM')        -                      
                            CERTAUTH    - 
SETROPTS RACLIST(DIGTCERT,DIGTRING ) refresh                     
RACDCERT LISTRING(TN3270)  ID(START1)                            

Once I had refreshed my PAGENT job, and restarted my client code, I was able to establish a TLS session.

Client certificate

In the TLS handshake, the mail servers did not send down a request for the client certificate. As no certificate was requested, or sent up to the server, no certificate authentication was done. You need to check your mail server for it authentication process – it may just be userid and password. This information is sent once the TLS session has been established – so it flows encrypted.

Copying pages out of PDF files to make mini books.

I had been struggling trying to find content in some of the IBM pdf files (the same keyword is used in many places); and the online documentation is not very helpful in finding content.

I’ve found a brilliant way of cutting out the pages I need from a .pdf file.

I wanted to copy a pages 930-946 from a pdf file and create a new file. I used the pdftk package on Linux. PDF ToolKit = PDFTK.

pdftk ~/apdf/TCP/IP_reference24.pdf cat 930-946 output tls.pdf


Merging and extracting

You can do

pdftk R=IP_reference24.pdf C=IP_configguide2.4.pdf U=IP_usersGuide.pdf cat R1253-1295 C1309-1327 U325-338 output cssmtp.pdf

I can now merge bits of the reference book with bits of the configuration guide and bits of the usage guide to produce a pdf on one particular topic.

You can create a handle so the handle R is for the book IP_reference24.pdf. I use it in R1253-1295 which says copy pages 1253 to 1295 of the book handle “R”. Note this is the page number in the PDF – not the book’s page number. The book’s page number 1 is page 47 in the PDF, after the table of contents, list of figures, list of tables etc..

The description of pdftk is

If PDF is electronic paper, then pdftk is an electronic staple-remover, hole-punch, binder, secret-decoder-ring, and X-Ray-glasses. Pdftk is a simple tool for doing everyday things with
PDF documents. Use it to:

  • Merge PDF Documents or Collate PDF Page Scans
  • Split PDF Pages into a New Document
  • Rotate PDF Documents or Pages
  • Decrypt Input as Necessary (Password Required)
  • Encrypt Output as Desired
  • Fill PDF Forms with X/FDF Data and/or Flatten Forms
  • Generate FDF Data Stencils from PDF Forms
  • Apply a Background Watermark or a Foreground Stamp
  • Report PDF Metrics, Bookmarks and Metadata
  • Add/Update PDF Bookmarks or Metadata
  • Attach Files to PDF Pages or the PDF Document
  • Unpack PDF Attachments
  • Burst a PDF Document into Single Pages
  • Uncompress and Re-Compress Page Streams
  • Repair Corrupted PDF (Where Possible)

z/OS PAGENT error messages and system SSL codes


SYSERR :001: plfm_kernel_init: socket(INET, DGRAM, 0), failed, errno=EDC5112I Resource temporarily unavailable., errno2=74610296

OBJERR :001: init_PEP_and_kernel: Kernel initialization failed for image ‘TCPIP2’,



WARNING:005: ..pinit_fetch_policy_profile: Ignoring non-image config file

In my image file I had a



which is not allowed. They have to be in the TTLSConfig… file.

The error message was

WARNING:005: ..pinit_fetch_policy_profile: Ignoring non-image config file ‘TTLSRule’ statement

402 No SSL cipher specifications.

In some situations the cipher specs default.

You have to specify them for TLS 1.3

RC: Code 515 Initial handshake

Code 515 Key share list is not valid

I got this when trying to use TLS 1.3.

You need

ClientKeyShareGroups 0023
ClientKeyShareGroups 0024
ClientKeyShareGroups 0025
ClientKeyShareGroups 0030


or ServerKeyShareGroup

517 No matches between elliptic curve and key share lists

Need something like

TTLSSignatureParms CPESigParms
CLientECurves 0023
CLientECurves 0024
CLientECurves 0025
CLientECurves 0029
ClientKeyShareGroups 0023
ClientKeyShareGroups 0024
ClientKeyShareGroups 0025
ClientKeyShareGroups 0029

519 Required ciphers have not been specified

I had TLS 1.3 specified, but no TLS 1.3 cipher specs.