Easy question – hard answer, how to I convert a hex string to hex byte string in C?

I have a program which takes as input a hex string, and this needed to be converted to an internal format, specifically a DER encoded format ( also known as a TLV, Tag, Length, Value);

This took me a good couple of hours to get right, and I thought the solution would be worth passing on.

The problem is: I have a C program and I pass in a parameter -serial abcd123456. I want to create a hex string 0x02llabcd123456 where ll is 5 – the length of the data.

Read the parameter

for (iArg = 1;iArg< argc; iArg ++   ) 
   if (strcmp(argv[iArg],"-serial") == 0 
      && iArg +1 < argc) // we have a value 
      iArg ++; 
      char * pData = argv[iArg]; 
      int iLen = strlen(pDataz); 
      if ( iLen > 16 ) 
         printf("Serial is too long(%d) %s.\n",iLen,pData); 
         return 8; 
    ... process it.


if (strcmp(argv[iArg],"-serial") == 0 
      && iArg +1 < argc) // we have a value 

checks to see if -serial was specified, and there is a parameter following. It handles the case of passing “-serial” and no following parameter.

Convert it from hex string to internal hex

I looked at various ways of converting the character string to hex, and decided the internal C run time sscanf function was best. This is the opposite of printf. It takes a formatting string and converts from printable to internal format.

For example


Would processes the characters in the data pointed to by pData and covert them, treating hen as hex data, to an integer &i. The processing continues until a non valid hex character is met, or the integer value is full.

If the parameter was –serial AC, the output value would be 0x000000AC.

I initially tried this, but then I had to go along and ignore any leading zeros.

You can use


To read up to 6 characters into the byte string bs. If the parameter was –serial AC, the output value would be 0xAC….

This is almost what I want – I want a left justified byte string. But I have a variable length, and cannot pass a length as part of the string.

I managed this using a combindation of sprintf and sscanf.

The final-ish solution

int len = strlen(pData); // get the length of passed value
char sscan[20];   // used for sscanf string 
// we need to covert an ebcdic string to hex, so 
//  "1" needs length of 1, 
//  "12" needs length of 1 
//  "123" needs length of 2 etc 
int lHex = (len + 1) /2; 
// convert to %4ddx 
// create a string for the sscan with the length 
// as it needs a hard coded length 
sprintf(&sscan[0],"%%%dhhx\0", len);
// if len = 4 this creates "%4hhx"
char tempOutput[16];
// Now use it 

and I have &tempOutput containing my data – of length lHex.

This worked until it didn’t work

This worked fine until a couple of hours later. If the hex value was 7F… or smaller it worked. If it was 80… or larger it did not work.

This is because of the way the DER format handles signed numbers.

The value 0x02036789ab says

  • 02 this is an integer field
  • 03 of length 03
  • with value 6789ab.

The value 0x0203Abcdef says

  • 02 this is an integer field
  • 03 of length 03
  • with negative value Abcdef – negative because the top bit of the number is a 1.

Special casing for negative numbers

I had to allows for this negative number effect.

For negative numbers, the output needs to be 0x020400abcdef which says

  • 02 this is an integer field
  • 04 of length 04
  • with value 00abcdef – positive because the top bit is zero.

pBuffer points to the output byte field.

 if (tempOutput[0] < 0x80) 
   memcpy(pBuffer+1,&temp[0],lHex); // move the data
   *pBuffer = lHex; // char value of the length 
 else // we need to insert extra so we do not get -ve 
   *(pBuffer+1) = 0x00; // insert extra null 
   memcpy(pBuffer+2,&temp[0],lHex); // and the rest 
   *pBuffer = lHex +1 ; // char value of the length 

The solution is easy with hindsight.

2 thoughts on “Easy question – hard answer, how to I convert a hex string to hex byte string in C?

    1. Hello, Google translate gave “A simple question, a difficult answer, how to convert a character string in C language?”. Please can you expand your question.


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